4 Facts Of Soteriophobia, Fear Of Dependence On Others

JAKARTA – A phobia, a fear of something, is experienced by a person based on irrational considerations. How not, fear of ants and other animals is also included as a phobia. Including the fear of depending on others which is called Soteriophobia.

What is soteriophobia?

There are more than 100 types of phobias, but reported by Halodoc, Monday, August 16, they are divided into three. First, agoraphobia is the fear of unavoidable situations or places.

Second, social phobia where soteriophobia belongs to this type of phobia. Social phobia is a fear of interacting with other people.

Third, specific phobias which include fear and anxiety about certain things. For example, the fear of heights, the fear of narrow spaces, the fear of needles, the fear of spiders, and the fear of the dark.

What are the symptoms of soteriophobia?

In certain cases, people who experience soteriophobia are driven by a desire to be independent and a fear of losing control. Even when they desperately need help, people with soteriophobia insist on refusing it to the point of anger.

The more you are urged to accept help, the more severe the action of repulsion will be. Someone who has soteriophobia also tends to move from place to place to avoid depending on other people.

Basically, the symptoms of soteriophobia vary widely. To be sure, expert consultation is needed by exploring a number of mental aspects. Physical symptoms that are commonly experienced include anxiety, anger, frustration, shaking, screaming expressions, and increased heart rate.

Causes of soteriophobia

Reported by Topcareer.id, Monday, August 16, the causes of soteriophobia in general are external factors or traumatic and internal events which include heredity or genetic factors.

How to overcome a phobia

There are a number of treatments performed clinically, such as hypnoalalysis or hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programs (NLP), and energy psychology.

The first method, hypnotherapy, is carried out by professional therapists to explore the subconscious mind with the aim of identifying and building a new perspective on the traumatic event.

NLP is the study and practice of creating one's own reality. The basic premise is that words are used to reflect the inner and subconscious perception of an issue.

Reported by Common Phobias, the third way to overcome a phobia is with simple steps to make changes. As with yoga, taichi, prana, acupressure, and other medical methods that aim to stimulate energy points with psychological procedures.

Although the latter therapy is still controversial, some people use it as a therapy.