Factors That Cause Gray Hair At A Young Age

JAKARTA - Did your hair start to turn gray at a young age? If so, did you know the cause? Citing the Healthline page, Monday, August 16, gray hair usually appears due to loss of melanocytes or pigment cells in hair follicles.

“Gray hair is caused by the loss of melanocytes (pigment cells) in the hair follicles. This happens with age and, unfortunately, there is no treatment that can restore these cells and the pigment they produce, melanin," explains Dr. Lindsey A. Bordone, a dermatologist at Columbia Doctors and an assistant professor of dermatology at Columbia University Medical Center in New York.

Lindsey also added that gray hair that appears at age is caused by several things, such as genetic factors, smoking habits, lack of vitamins, and stress.

Do not stop there, other studies also mention that this 'premature' gray hair can appear due to Werner syndrome.

Quoting Greatist, Werner syndrome can cause several symptoms of premature aging, including hair loss or gray hair at the age of 25 years. Well, Werner syndrome itself is a genetic disorder that makes a person experience the aging process more quickly.

Furthermore, the cause of premature graying can also occur due to the use of shampoo or hair dye that contains chemicals that are too harsh, such as hydrogen peroxide.

According to research, hydrogen peroxide has been shown to trigger oxidative stress in hair. The bad effect, yes, can trigger various problems, including the onset of gray hair early on.

So, how to solve it? Launching the Herstory page, according to Kasey Nichols NMD, an Arizona doctor and health expert at Rave Reviews, some ways to delay the appearance of gray hair are to eat foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts and fatty fish.

It's also important that you don't spend too much time in the sun's ultraviolet rays, which damage your skin and hair. And finally, try to regularly consume vitamin B-12 and vitamin B-6 supplements.