2 Seconds Full Of Meaningful Expressions Of President Jokowi In The State Speech, This Is The Review Of Microexpression Experts

JAKARTA - Gesture and microexpression expert from the Association of Forensic Psychology (APSIFOR), Monica Kumalasari, believes that President Joko Widodo looked calm when delivering his state speech at the Annual Session of the MPR RI, Joint Session of the DPR RI and DPD RI at the MPR/DPR Building, Jakarta today.

Meanwhile, in terms of micro-expressions, he found things ranging from sadness to tears.

Microexpressions are emotions or expressions seen on the face, which appear quickly, ie within 2 seconds or less. This very fast movement is a pure emotion in response to a certain stimulus.

"In this speech, there are no hand gestures, it looks like the president is reading a script on the screen, but there are many emotions or expressions that can be seen in his micro-expressions and facial expressions," said Monica as quoted by Antara, Monday, August 16.

There were several sad expressions shown by President Jokowi. First, when discussing the recession and crisis that came and hit Indonesia after independence.

The President said, "Each exam strengthens the social foundations, political foundations and economic foundations of the Indonesian nation. Each stage provides learning and at the same time brings improvements in our lives".

A similar expression was also seen when he explained Indonesia's weaknesses in terms of the independence of the drug, vaccine and medical device industries. The President said, "The pandemic has accelerated the development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry, including the development of the Red-White Vaccine, as well as oxygen for health".

Monica saw sadness again when President Jokowi acknowledged the hardships of society during the pandemic. He said, "I am aware of the fatigue, burnout, fatigue, sadness, and distress during this COVID-19 pandemic".

In addition, there is also a micro-expression of anger shown by the President. First, when he explained the COVID-19 pandemic which tested and sharpened all pillars of people's lives.

The President said, "Tests and sharpening are two sides of an inseparable coin. It is not only a burden given to us, but an opportunity to improve ourselves".

According to Monica, there is a possibility that the President will be angry with those who do not take lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, which is a global crisis, not only in Indonesia.

The second anger, namely when the President said, "There is not the slightest tolerance for anyone who plays with this humanitarian and national mission".

This he said when discussing the serious weakness experienced today, namely the independence of the drug, vaccine and medical device industry. The President also said that the government's commitment is to continue to ensure the availability and affordability of drugs.

Furthermore, Monica again found the emotion of anger when the President explained the performance of state institutions in tackling the pandemic, one of which was BPK RI which had innovated to realize Accountability.

The President then said, "I appreciate BPK's efforts to provide information on audit findings so that the government, both at the central and regional levels, can follow up."

"He has a different statement with his expression. His statement is like that but contrary to his expression, there is anger," said Monica.

The next anger, when the President claimed to understand the fatigue to the difficulties experienced by the community during the pandemic. In the midst of the criticism received, the government tries to answer it by fulfilling its responsibilities.

He then said, "Thank you for all the children of the nation who have become part of active citizens, and continue to participate in building a culture of democracy".

Monica found there was a subtle expression in the section "Thank you for all the children of the nation who have become part of active citizens", followed by anger when she said in the following sentence, "...and continue to participate in building a democratic culture".

"So his expression was moved because his voice trembled and almost cried. This is probably he also appreciates the nation's children who won at the Olympics yesterday, or the heroes who help residents with various applications for young people," he said.

"And it is continued by continuing to participate in building a democratic culture. Here there is a micro-expression of anger, I suggest that this is directed at young people who actually demonstrate, for example, who says the President is the "king of lip service"," said Monica.