Nature Tourism In Green And Yellow Zones Preparing To Reopen

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19, Doni Monardo, said that his party would recommend opening a number of natural tourist attractions that had been closed due to this outbreak.

The natural tourism area consists of marine tourism areas, water conservation areas, adventure areas, national parks, nature tourism parks, forest parks, wildlife reserves, and geoparks.

In addition, there are nature tourism non-conservation areas, such as botanical gardens, zoos, Safari Parks, tourist villages, and natural tourism areas managed by the community.

Doni said, the natural tourism areas that will be reopened are those that are included in the yellow zone and the green zone. That way, the two categories of the spread of COVID-19 can prepare a new habit of adapting patterns to a productive and safe society for COVID-19.

"The decision to open natural tourism in 270 regencies or cities in the green and yellow zones is left to the regents and mayors. For other zones, it will be regulated by regional readiness and area managers," Doni said at a press conference at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Monday, June 22.

Doni reminded regents and mayors to consult plans for opening natural tourism with the governors in each province, and refer to regulations made by the central government.

"Making this decision must go through precondition stages, namely education, socialization, and simulation in accordance with the conditions of natural tourism and the characteristics of the people in each area," said Doni.

Implement the COVID-19 protocol

In this plan, tour managers must implement COVID-19 prevention protocols such as limiting visitor capacity to 50 percent, regulating physical distancing, and providing hand washing facilities.

In addition, natural tourism managers must also prepare crisis management down to the operational level in each area, as well as conduct monitoring and evaluation during the precondition and implementation phases.

"If a COVID-19 case is found in a natural tourist spot, the regency / city task force team will carry out tightening or re-closing," he said.

In addition to implementing health protocols, there are additional protocols that are more detailed at each tourist location. Later, the public can download detailed guides regarding what they can and cannot do, based on the direction of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

29 natural attractions

Continuing, Minister of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) Siti Nurbaya said that there are 29 natural attractions and national parks that will be opened. However, the opening of this natural tourism was carried out in stages at different times.

"29 national parks and natural tourism parks can be opened gradually, from the current projection until mid-July," said Siti.

The tourist locations are the green and yellow zones in the provinces of DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, East Kalimantan, NTB, NTT, South Sulawesi and South Sumatra.

"After this announcement, and there are guidelines from the Minister of Health and the Minister of Tourism, we will immediately write an order to all levels of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to support the provisions of the COVID-19 protocol," concluded Siti.