The Number Of Rapid Tests In Indonesia Is Low, Bappenas: We Are Far Behind
JAKARTA - The Minister of National Development Planning (PPN) / Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa revealed that the COVID-19 event is a warning for Indonesia to further improve several state systems, one of which is the national health system.
According to Suharso, the quality of the national health system is inadequate. This is reflected in the very low number of COVID-19 or rapid tests for the Indonesian population, even far behind other countries.
"For example, the number of people tested for surveillance according to WHO standards should be far behind. We should have reached 30 thousand per week, but today we only reached 11 thousand. The president asked for at least 20 thousand," he said in a meeting. work with Commission XI DPR RI, Monday, June 22.
Suharso explained, based on his calculations, Indonesia should be able to have the capacity to carry out COVID-19 checks up to 27,000 per day. However, unfortunately until now the maximum number of examinations is still in the range of 11 thousand to 12 thousand per day.
On the other hand, said Suharso, there was also delay in time for someone to get the test results. For example, someone who is tested today, does not necessarily announce the results in the next 2-3 days.
"It could be next week. This results in our data mainly occurring in East Java. This surprises us," he said.
During this meeting, Suharso also explained problems related to data that occurred in the social protection system in Indonesia. He assessed that reforms need to be carried out not only for the health system, social protection, disaster management, and food security.
"Because COVID-19 is a very reminder if there is something that we are not ready or not ready or not perfect (from these systems)," he said.