Vaccinations Don't Just Be Injected, Bamsoet: Must Be Accompanied With Ideological Vaccinations

JAKARTA - Chairman of the MPR Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) said the COVID-19 pandemic not only had a real economic impact with increasing unemployment, poverty, inequality that could potentially cause problems in other fields. But according to him, what should also be watched out for is the potential for the rise of values, individualism, communism, intolerance, separatism, radicalism, terrorism, and ethno-nationalism amid the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Therefore, efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts are not only carried out by increasing our body's resistance by vaccination, but must be accompanied by efforts to carry out ideological vaccinations to increase the ideological resilience of our society," said Bamsoet in his speech to the MPR Annual Session and the Joint Session of the DPR. and the 2021 DPD in the Plenary Meeting Room, Nusantara Building MPR/DPR/DPD, Monday, August 16, morning. Namely, said Bamsoet, vaccination of the ideology of Pancasila through socialization of the four pillars of the MPR, namely Pancasila as the ideology and basis of the state, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. as the state constitution, the Republic of Indonesia as a form of state, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as the state motto to all levels of society throughout the country.

Through ideological vaccination, Bamsoet believes that all potential threats and disturbances that have the potential to divide the unity and integrity of the nation will be prevented and countered. "With the COVID-19 storm, it will further strengthen the ideological resilience of our nation, so that COVID-19 is not only a challenge, but an opportunity to rise to adapt to the demands of new dynamics, situations and conditions," he said.

In carrying out its constitutional duties, Bamsoet acknowledged that the MPR had received a number of aspirations from the people and regions regarding the implementation of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. , transparent, accountable, integrated and sustainable," he said. Various public views state that the same vision in national and regional development plans in the short, medium and long term is needed, so that national development orientation is more focused on efforts to achieve state goals. as stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

"The same vision is also needed, considering that Indonesia is a large and diverse country with large geographical, demographic and natural resources potential, has heterogeneity over ethnicity, religion, race, culture and language which has the potential to create dynamics of differences in views and interests both in the political field. , economic, social, cultural, defense and security," he said.