The Reason The District Government Did Not Provide Legal Assistance To The Bintan Apri Regent Who Became A Suspect In The KPK

JAKARTA - Bintan Regency Secretary Adi Prihantara said his party did not provide legal assistance to Regent Apri Sujadi, who had been designated by the KPK as a suspect related to alleged corruption in the regulation of excisable goods.

He said that in the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation (Permendagri) Number 12 of 2014 it was stated that the Regional Government could not provide legal assistance if it entered the criminal realm.

"To our knowledge the Permendagri is not justified when it comes to criminal cases. However, we will study it first in accordance with applicable regulations," said the Regional Secretary of Bintan Regency, Adi Prihantara, in Bintan, as reported by Antara, Sunday, August 15.

The Regional Secretary explained that his party was only authorized to provide legal assistance for cases in the State Administrative Court (PTUN) and civil cases, such as asset disputes.

"When it comes to preparing legal assistance for criminal cases, it's not in our main function," he said.

Secretary Adi also ensures that the wheels of government in Bintan Regency will continue to run normally after Apri Sujadi was officially detained by the KPK, Thursday, August 12.

Meanwhile, he said, routine government tasks were carried out by the Deputy Regent of Bintan, Roby Kurniawan.

His party is still waiting for a decision from the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) regarding the vacancy of the current position of the Regent of Bintan.

"For the appointment of a deputy regent to become a regent, you must follow the applicable mechanism. The process is quite long," he said.

Furthermore, the Regional Secretary representing the Bintan Regency Government expressed his concern and prayed for the Bintan Regent Apri Sujadi to always be given strength in dealing with legal problems at the KPK.

"Hopefully, Pak Apri will be facilitated by Allah SWT in facing the legal process that is being carried out. Hopefully, the family will be given fortitude and patience," said Adi.