Four 14-Year-Old Children Who Became Singers At Karaoke Places In Papua Can Finally Be Returned

JAKARTA - The Indramayu Resort Police (Polres), West Java, has repatriated four underage girls who were victims of the crime of trafficking in persons (TPPO).

"Today we can return four victims of TIP, after three months in Papua," said Indramayu Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Luthfi Olot Gigantara in Indramayu, as reported by Antara, Sunday, August 15.

Luthfi said the four underage girls were two from Indramayu Regency, one from Majalengka, and the other from Cirebon.

They continued Luthfi, previously sent to Paniai, Papua, to be employed as song guides (PL) in a karaoke place.

"The four victims are still minors, where their average age is only around 14 years old," he said. Police, for hiring them to become OTs.

Luthfi said the victims had been employed as PLs in Papua for approximately 2 to three months, and they even experienced violence while working there.

"In Papua, these victims are employed as PLs for approximately 2 to 3 months," he said.