During COVID-19 Pandemic Erick Thohir Asks SOEs To Set Aside CSR To Help Educate Employees' Children

MALANG - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir asked all SOEs to be able to set aside Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds to help pay for the education costs of the children of SOE employees who lost their parents due to COVID-19.

Quoted from his Instagram account, @erickthohir from Malang City, East Java, Sunday, Erick said that currently many children of BUMN employees are orphaned because their parents died due to exposure to COVID-19. This condition is a concern, especially regarding the sustainability of the children's school.

"Therefore, I ask BUMN to set aside CSR, to help the children of BUMN employees who lost their parents due to COVID-19," said Erick.

In the Instagram account, Erick visited one of the employees of the BUMN Jasa Tirta 1 company, which is in the Malang City area, East Java, namely Qurrota Ayun. Qurotta Ayun lost her husband due to exposure to the Coronavirus.

During the visit to the families of Perum Jasa Tirta 1 employees in the Malang area on Friday (14/8), Erick was accompanied by the President Director of Perum Jasa Tirta 1, Raymond Valiant Ruritan. On that occasion, Erick Thohir also took the time to speak to one of Qurrota's children.

Currently, Qurrota is raising two children who are five years and six months old alone. Erick added that he would provide support in the form of scholarships for his two children.

In addition, Erick also gave a job offer to Qurrota's younger brother, who is currently not working. Qurrota's sister, has completed her education at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB). According to Erick, currently, we need workers from the agriculture department to build the national food industry sector.

It is hoped that these small steps can slightly reduce the burden of Qurrota who had just been abandoned by his husband due to exposure to COVID-19.

He advised Qurrota, that life will go on, and must face challenges. He believes that Qurrota will remain passionate for his two children.

"Hopefully the scholarship support for the two children and job offers for his younger brother can reduce Qurrota's burden a little," said Erick Thohir.