Surabaya Elementary-SMP Students Give Aid To Children Who Lost Parents Due To COVID-19, 134 Tons Of Rice To IDR 1 Billion

SURABAYYA - Elementary and junior high school students who are members of the Suroboyo Care School Gotong Royong Movement donate aid to students who have lost their parents due to COVID-19 at the Surabaya City Hall, East Java.

The head of the Surabaya Student Organization (Orpes) Aloysiana said he felt both happy and sorry when he distributed aid directly to his friends. The assistance in the form of cash provided is the result of setting aside their pocket money and savings.

"As for the cash, we from Surabaya students have set aside from savings and there are also parents who contribute or participate to donate," he said, quoted by Antara, Friday, August 13.

The assistance from the students was in the form of basic needs, such as 134.5 tons of rice, 35,628 liters of cooking oil, 42.7 tons of sugar, and 11,401 boxes of instant noodles. Not only that, they also provided assistance in the form of cash amounting to Rp.1,047,522,500.

He expressed his gratitude to all students who have participated and contributed to the Surabaya care mutual cooperation program. He hoped that the assistance that had been donated could be immediately conveyed to fellow students and residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Hopefully this can be an example for the community. If Surabaya students can do it, other Surabaya residents can certainly provide the same assistance," he said.

The aid handover procession was witnessed directly by the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi and the ranks of the Surabaya City Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda).

After witnessing the aid handover procession, Mayor Eri Cahyadi admitted that he was very impressed and touched by the mutual cooperation carried out by students in the City of Heroes. According to him, this can be used as an example for people who have excess sustenance to share with those in need.

"This is an example. Just imagine that school children can provide assistance to the city of Surabaya. The value is up to one billion more. This makes me amazed and touched. look what they've done," said Eri.

Eri Cahyadi expressed his gratitude to the teachers who have instilled empathy in their students. Without the guidance of the teachers and without the togetherness of the Surabaya City Education Office (Dispendik), all of this would not be possible.

"Thank you teachers for instilling empathy in the hearts of students in the city of Surabaya," he said.