Visiting West Sumatra, TNI Commander Emphasizes The Importance Of Tracking Close Contacts Of COVID-19 Patients

JAKARTA - Tracing or tracking of COVID-19 patients and those who are in close contact with patients is one of the efforts needed to suppress the spread of COVID-19.

Therefore, the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto, asked the ranks of the TNI and Polri, from the Military District Commander (Dandim) to the Head of the Resort Police in the West Sumatra area to optimize the implementation of inspection, tracking, and maintenance (3T).

“One of the main principles in the art of war is to know the enemy. COVID-19 is an enemy that until now the COVID-19 pandemic has not ended in almost all parts of the world," Hadi said while reviewing the handling of COVID-19 in Padang, West Sumatra, quoted by Antara, Friday, August 13.

During the event, Hadi Tjahjanto met with the ranks of the West Sumatra Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) with the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. The Commander and Chief of Police discussed the development of handling COVID-19 in West Sumatra at the Padang Mayor's office.

The Commander highlighted that the implementation of tracking COVID-19 cases in Solok was not optimal. Tracing in Solok, said the Commander, is still nil.

"I ask that the ranks of the TNI and Polri optimize 3T. Information on cases as soon as possible to prevent the condition from getting worse and reduce the death rate," said the TNI Commander.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo asked all parties to focus on suppressing the mobility of citizens, increasing testing and tracing, preparing centralized isolation places (isoters), and accelerating vaccinations, the Commander explained to the Forkopimda West Sumatra.

Hadi also reminded tracing officers to be able to give understanding to the public the importance of reporting themselves if they had close contact with COVID-19 patients.

This is because active close contact tracing is an effective way to protect yourself, the lives of others, and is a way to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19, said the Commander.

In addition, the Commander also hopes that people in West Sumatra can implement health protocols as a new habit in carrying out daily activities.

"Create new habits such as daily necessities, such as wearing a mask and if you feel unwell, don't hesitate to report to the Puskesmas and ask for a swab and then carry out independent isolation or centralized isolation," said the Commander.

Meanwhile, West Sumatra Governor Mahyeldi conveyed that isolation facilities were currently available in each kelurahan. The isolation places were prepared by the local government and the community.

After discussing the handling of COVID-19 in West Sumatra, the Commander in Chief together with the National Police Chief also reviewed the readiness of the Silacak application used by tracers.

In West Sumatra, Bintara Pembina Desa (Babinsa) and Bhabinkamtibmas were deployed to serve as COVID-19 tracers.

The commander asked the tracers directly about the problems they faced when tracking COVID-19 patients and their close contacts.

"Every problem that exists in the field, we try to solve it well and synergize with the four pillars," said Bhabinkamtibmas Aiptu Nofri answering the Commander's question.