City Parks And TPU Still Can't Be Visited During PPKM Level 4
JAKARTA - During the adjustment of the rules for the Implementation of Level 4 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in DKI Jakarta, the Central Jakarta City Government is still closing city parks and green open spaces.
Head of Central Jakarta Parks and Forests Sub-department (Kasudin) Mila Ananda explained that based on the Certificate (SK) of the Head of the DKI Jakarta City Parks and Forest Service, parks and urban forests, TPU and RTH were closed until August 16, 2021 and could be extended based on evaluation. by the COVID-19 Task Force.
For the TPU, the closure is done only for pilgrimages, but still serves the funeral processions for residents.
"The malls have indeed been opened, but the Head of the Service may still see the situation so that the opening is carried out gradually, so that parks and green open spaces do not become clusters of transmission," said Mila when contacted by reporters, Friday, August 13.
Mila explained that although a number of shopping centers in Jakarta had been opened, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government assessed that the opening of public spaces would be carried out in stages.
In addition to these considerations, not all city parks, including the Child Friendly Integrated Public Space (RPTRA) in Central Jakarta, have security officers to check vaccine evidence for residents who want to enter.
Therefore, if there is an adjustment to the PPKM rules, only city parks that have complete security officers are opened. That too with limited operating hours and visitor capacity.
"Not all parks in Central Jakarta have security officers to closely monitor vaccine evidence. What we are worried about is parks in densely populated areas, it will be difficult to control," said Mila.
Meanwhile, since the Emergency PPKM was implemented in early July, city parks and forests, TPU and Green Open Space (RTH) are still closed until now.