Criminal Snare On Garuda Airlines Twitter
JAKARTA - It is undeniable that in this day and age, social media is very close to the trap of the law. Many cases start with online tweets which then lead to crimes. In fact, it is not uncommon for these cases to ensnare big figures.
A similar case has ensnared the Twitter account @digeeembok. This is because the anonymous tweet alluded to the attitude of the President Director of PT Garuda Indonesia to his flight attendants. Which then ends with reporting.
It was the Vice President for Cabin Crew of PT Garuda Indonesia, Roni Eka Mirsa, who reported the anonymous account. With the excuse that he did not accept being called a pimp for Garuda Indonesia flight attendants.
Confirmed regarding the report, the Head of Soekarno-Hatta Airport Police AKBP Adi Ferdian Saputra confirmed this matter. According to him, in an effort to investigate the case, Friday, December 6, the report had already been taken.
In addition, the reporting of the social media account tweets is related to the criminal act of defamation. However, there was no mention of detailing the extent to which the investigation of the case was going.
"(Reporting) on suspicion of defamation. Later on, Article 27 paragraph 3 of the 2019 Law on ITE and 310, 311 KUHP will be subject to less than four years imprisonment," Adi said when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, December 12.
Meanwhile, on the previous occasion, the Head of Public Relations DivHumas Polri Kombes Asep Adi Saputra said that the investigation that has been ongoing to date is still about looking for whether or not there is any legal or criminal violation in the tweet on the Twitter account.
Then, only then will it be decided whether the case will move up to the stage of investigation or if it is stopped. "Currently, investigations are underway to confirm the criminal acts committed by the account," said Asep.
For your information, the Twitter @digeeembok social media account is a topic of conversation in cyberspace because it has uploaded opinions related to the actions of high-ranking airline officials.