Unscrupulous Tax Employee Arrested By KPK For Bribery, This Is The Reaction Of The Sri Mulyani Ministry

JAKARTA - The Inspector General of the Ministry of Finance, Awan Nurmawan Nuh, said that the detention of an employee of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) related to accepting bribes was a development of a case handled in early 2021.

"The Ministry of Finance, in this case the Inspectorate General supports efforts to eradicate corruption by collaborating with various parties, both law enforcement officers and the public. press conference virtually, Friday, August 13.

According to Awan, acts of corruption have hurt the spirit of integrity and professionalism in the Ministry of Finance. However, his party ensures that the Ministry of Finance will continue to maintain the spirit of anti-corruption and focus on working in managing and guarding state finances.

"From the internal side, we are still continuing our internal investigation. The Ministry of Finance remains committed to upholding integrity at all levels. Strict disciplinary sanctions will be applied to anyone who is involved and violates the values of the Ministry of Finance," he said.

Awan added that Finance Minister Sri Mulyani directly supervised the process so that discipline and strict action against violators were still enforced.

"We all agree that innocent people need to be protected and the morale and spirit of the employees must be maintained," he said.

Awan continued, continuous improvement is always carried out, including in terms of HR management through the existence of a talent management mechanism in which the integrity component is of great concern. In addition, from the policy side, various system improvements and institutional strengthening are also continuously carried out.

"The Ministry of Finance is also actively synergizing with the Police, the Prosecutor's Office, and the KPK, which among others is realized by the existence of a memorandum of understanding and cooperation agreement, with the aim of promoting prevention of corruption and also guarding state revenues," he said.

"On this occasion, we also remind all unit leaders at the Ministry of Finance to continue to supervise and guide all staff, and improve governance in carrying out their functions and duties, so that incidents like this do not happen again," continued Awan.

To note, today the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has detained the suspect in the alleged corruption case of accepting gifts or promises related to the 2016 and 2017 tax audits at the Directorate General of Taxes.

The six suspects in this case are as follows.

1. APA (Director of Audit and Collection at the Directorate General of Taxes 2016-2019)

2. RAR (Tax Consultant)

3. AIM (Tax Consultant)

4. VL (Power of Taxpayer)

5. US (Tax Consultant)

The KPK itself will conduct detention for the first 20 days starting from August 13, 2021 to September 1, 2021 for the purpose of investigation.

Sri Mulyani furious

At a conference earlier this year, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani could not contain her anger over the alleged bribery case involving unscrupulous employees within the Directorate General of Taxes.

"On this occasion, I as the Minister of Finance ask all taxpayers (WP) as well as tax payers' attorneys and tax consultants to participate in maintaining the integrity of the Directorate General of Taxes by not promising or trying to give rewards or gifts or bribes to employees," he said during a conference. press virtually, Wednesday, March 3.

Sri Mulyani added that the domino effect of bribery does not only damage the credibility of the institution but also has the potential to spread to a larger scope.

"Efforts (bribes) that are carried out like that damage not only the Directorate General of Taxes or individuals but also damage the foundation of our country," he said.