The Reason For The Car Free Day Event In Jakarta Is Crowded With Residents

JAKARTA - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI Jakarta is again holding a motorized vehicle free day or better known as a Car Free Day (CFD). This activity was stopped during the mid-week of COVID-19 because of the potential for transmission or transmission of the virus.

With the re-opening of the CFD activity, on Sunday, June 21, the public seemed not to want to be left behind to participate. Along the Jalan Jenderal Sudirman and Jalan MH Thamrin, which were usually quiet at the beginning of the spread of COVID-19, they have now turned completely crowded.

The most visible cyclists in this activity. However, that does not mean that there are only a few people who run or walk casually. Thus, officials from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government are also working to appeal for the implementation of health protocols.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) Arifin said that his party would take action against anyone who did not apply the health protocol. In fact, those who do not use personal protective equipment, such as masks, are not allowed to enter the CFD area.

Then, even in that activity, people were still found bringing underage children. Thus, they are also not allowed to be in the CFD area. The same is done for the elderly or over the age of 60 years. The action is in accordance with the regulations of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government regarding the implementation of the transitional PSBB.

"Yes, those who don't wear masks are not allowed to enter, we will remove them from the CFD arena," said Arifin in Jakarta, Sunday, June 21.

In implementing health protocols in CFD activities, Arifin admitted that he encountered several obstacles. One of them, some people did not obey the officers' appeal to use masks. They argued that using a mask when exercising would interfere with breathing.

"But there are runners who are asked to wear masks, they don't want to because they find it a bit difficult, because they run and keep moving," said Arifin.

Community reason

Gajah Mada University sociologist, Sunyoto Usman said, there are several possibilities that cause people to choose to stay outside the room, even though they are still in the COVID-19 pandemic era.

One of them is because of the boredom factor which is no longer bearable to stay at home. So, with the leeway provided by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, it seems as if people are flocking to come to exercise.

"Maybe there is a desire for recreation, boredom just at home. Maybe there is a belief that hazards can be managed with health protocols," he said.

Moreover, the government has never issued a policy aimed at overcoming social boredom. So, it is recommended that the government immediately issue a policy regarding this matter.

One of the ways that can be done is by asking RT / RW to create activities for the community which of course provide education. So, people no longer leave the house just to get rid of boredom.

"I have not seen the government's policy to overcome this boredom. So there must be a solution," said Usman.