People Around Mount Merapi Are Urged To Be Alert

JAKARTA - Mount Merapi has erupted again with a high ash column observed ± 6,000 m above the peak (± 8,968 m above sea level). Eruptions occurred at around 9:13 WIB twice.

The ash column is observed to be gray with a thick intensity leaning towards the west. This eruption was recorded on a seismogram with a maximum amplitude of 75 mm and a duration of ± 5 minutes 28 seconds.

Currently Mount Merapi is at Level II Status (alert). The public is urged to be aware of the eruption that occurs on the mountain on the border of Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

The public must be aware of potential hazards in the form of hot cloud glides from the collapse of the lava dome and the fall of volcanic material from explosive eruptions. People who are in a radius of 3 km from the top of Mount Merapi so that there is no activity.

"The public should anticipate the dangers of volcanic ash from hot clouds and explosive eruptions," said the Center for Geological Disaster Research and Technology Development (BPPTKG) in an official broadcast.

Then, people are aware of the dangers of lava, especially when it rains around the summit of Mount Merapi.

Information on the activities of Mount Merapi can be accessed via radio communication at a frequency of 165,075 Mhz, by telephone (0274) 514180/514192, website, and BPPTKG social media (facebook: infobpptkg, twiter: @bpptkg) .