NASA To Send Dragonfly Rover To Search For Evidence Of Life On Saturn's Moon Titan

JAKARTA - NASA plans to send the Dragonfly rover to one of Saturn's moons, Titan. A new study reveals that Dragonfly will carry out its mission to explore Titan, which researchers consider mysterious.

Because Titan does not resemble Earth's moon but is more like a planet because it has an atmosphere, weather, and waters on its surface. These conditions attracted the attention of astronomers to study Titan. It is also part of the search for life in outer space.

Launching Slashgear, Dragonfly is a rover that can be moved by helicopter that will land on Titan's surface in the middle of the next decade. This is NASA's first exploration of one of Saturn's moons.

Researchers have previously detailed the focus of Dragonfly's exploration of Titan, which includes the search for chemical biosignatures that are evidence of life. They are also working to investigate the methane cycle and prebiotic chemistry that is thought to be active on Titan's surface and atmosphere.

Alex Hayes, the study author for the Drgonfly mission, revealed the plan by mentioning that researchers have a lot of questions about Titan's surface.

“Titan represents the utopia of an explorer. The scientific questions we have for Titan are broad because we don't know much about what's really happening on the surface. For every question we answered during the Cassini mission to explore Titan from Saturn's orbit, we got 10 new questions," Hayes said.