Good News For Those Of You Who Memorize 30 Juz Of The Qur'an, Ministry Of Religion Opens Selection Of Mosque Imams For The United Arab Emirates

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion has again opened the selection of mosque imams from Indonesia to be placed in the United Arab Emirates. Selection will be done virtually, August 25-27 2021.

"The Ministry of Religion has again carried out the selection of Mosque Imams to be assigned to the United Arab Emirates. The implementation is virtual. We will recruit more imam candidates from all over Indonesia," said Director General of Islamic Guidance at the Ministry of Religion, Kamaruddin Amin in Jakarta, quoted from the Ministry of Religion website, Friday, August 13. .

Kamaruddin added that sending mosque imams to the United Arab Emirates is a strategic part of the bilateral cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates. He added that the mosque's imams are Indonesian ambassadors in the United Arab Emirates.

"This program of sending imams from Indonesia also contributes to increasing bilateral cooperation between the two countries, including improving the image of Indonesia," he added.

Director of Islamic Information at the Ministry of Religion, Syamsul Bahri, added that mosque imams from Indonesia were in demand because they believed in Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah. This is an added value in addition to the ability to read the Qur'an.

"Indonesia has the largest number of Muslims in the world. Indonesia has many Islamic educational institutions. The Muslims are moderate, behave in a noble manner, understand the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah and the way of thinking is wasathiyah (moderate)," said Syamsul.

This character, added Syamsul, is an important part in achieving the goals of Muslims as carriers of compassion for the universe.


How to Join the Selection

During President Jokowi's visit to the United Arab Emirates in 2020, Crown Prince Sheikh Zayed specifically asked 200 mosque imams from Indonesia to be assigned there. Following up on the request, the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Religion and the authorities of the United Arab Emirates made a selection.

"The selection carried out in 2020 by the Ministry of Religion and continued in 2021 by the United Arab Emirates Authority succeeded in selecting 28 imams. But later, one person died and another person resigned. So there are 26 imams who are ready to be sent to the United Arab Emirates," he said. Syamsul.

As for this year, continued Syamsul, registration will be open on August 13-22 2021. The selection will be conducted online on August 25-27 2021. This selection is targeted to attract as many as 74 imams so that by 2021 there will be 100 priests who are ready to be sent to the United Emirates Arab.

"So the selection was done twice. First by the Ministry of Religion involving Al-Qur'an experts. Second by the United Arab Emirates Authority. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we carried out virtually. Registration through the website Imam Candidate Selection menu mosque," concluded Syamsul.