Mount Merapi Erupts Again

JAKARTA - Mount Merapi erupted again this morning. The eruption occurred at 9:13 WIB, Sunday, June 21. This was conveyed by the Geological Disaster Technology Research and Development Center (BPPTKG) via its Twitter account @BPPTKG.

"An eruption occurred at Mount #Merapi on June 21, 2020 at 09.13 WIB," quoted his Twitter @BPPTKG, Sunday, July 21.

The eruption of the mountain, which is located on the border of Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), was recorded on a seismogram with an amplitude of 75 mm and a duration of 328 seconds.

"The height of the eruption column was observed ± 6,000 meters from the peak. The direction of the wind when the eruption was to the west," he said.

In March, Mount Merapi also erupted. Even the eruption that occurred on March 28 twice. The Mount Merapi site has been on alert since 21 May 2018.