Soekarno Hatta Is Prepared As The First Airport To Implement Technology-Based Aviation Operations

JAKARTA - PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) is preparing a technology-based concept, Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM). This was done to encourage increased effectiveness and efficiency of aviation operations in the mass of the COVID-19 pandemic.

PT Angkasa Pura II Director Muhammad Awaluddin said the concept would at an early stage be implemented at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Tangerang, Banten.

Furthermore, he explained, this step was in line with the direction of BUMN Minister Erick Thohir, so that BUMNs should proactively adapt digital in their business processes so that operational effectiveness and efficiency can occur in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic.

"A-CDM creates closer collaboration between airport operator PT Angkasa Pura II, with aviation navigation service provider AirNav Indonesia, airlines, ground handling service providers and other stakeholders in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness in flight operations," he said, in Jakarta, Saturday, 20 June.

Awaluddin said that A-CDM had never been implemented in Indonesia, and Soekarno-Hatta Airport would be the first airport to implement this concept.

As part of the implementation of A-CDM, stakeholders at Soekarno-Hatta Airport will be connected to a digital platform that contains various data related to airport and flight operations provided by stakeholders.

For example, he continued, PT Angkasa Pura II as the Soekarno-Hatta operator provides realtime flight information, real-time parking location plans for aircraft and passenger departure gates, and the status of coordination in the A-CDM process itself. Airport operators will play a role as committee chairman in A-CDM so that they also oversee the coordination in A-CDM.

Meanwhile, he said, the airline provides real-time flight plans including the type of aircraft, the number of passengers and so on. The airline also provides information about the target time the aircraft is ready to leave the parking lot (Target Off-Block Time / TOBT) to depart.

The flight navigation service provider, in this case AirNav Indonesia, provides information on the use of runways that are currently in use, plans for runway use, runway capacity, and other information related to flight traffic.

"For example, a better and faster collaboration in maintaining the consistency of flight timeliness [on-time performance / OTP], where airport operators prepare parking stands that match the profiles of passengers and aircraft, AirNav Indonesia prepares slot time and use of runways, and airlines. as well as ground handling procedures according to time, "he said.

Awaluddin said that the aircraft target was ready to leave the parking lot or the Off-Block Time / TOBT target could be fulfilled, then the plane headed for the taxiway and runway, then took off. The whole process can be done with more thorough preparation, faster and more consistently through A-CDM.

In addition, Awaluddin said, preparations at the airport terminal can also be done earlier, for example determining the departure / arrival gate according to the passenger profile, determining the number of aviation security personnel who must carry out surveillance, determining the location of the conveyor belt so that passengers don't wait long when picking up luggage , to determine the check-in counter.

"The point is, from the landing to the exit of the terminal, it can be prepared in advance, and vice versa can maintain a smooth flow when passengers arrive at the airport until they fly," he said.

For your information, in implementing A-CDM, Soekarno-Hatta Airport has made preparations for a long time, including by establishing an Airport Operation Control Center (AOCC) building which is equipped with a number of the latest technology equipment.

President Director of AirNav Indonesia Pramintohadi Sukarno said that he fully supports the implementation of A-CDM at Soekarno-Hatta. AirNav Indonesia has developed an Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) system.

"AirNav Indonesia fully supports the implementation of A-CDM at Soekarno-Hatta Airport to create more efficiency and effectiveness in flights," he said.