Muhaimin Iskandar Affirms Handling COVID-19 Is A Burden For All, Not Only The Government

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives (DPR) Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar said the government cannot work alone in handling COVID-19, so it must involve community leaders, religious leaders and the younger generation.

"The government cannot be alone and must involve elements of leaders, community leaders, religion, and youth. Community involvement is very important in handling the pandemic," said Muhaimin in a statement received in Jakarta, Friday, August 13.

This was conveyed by Muhaimin during a virtual Roadshow on Welfare Politics with West Kalimantan residents, Thursday, August 12.

The COVID-19 pandemic poses challenges for national development which has been hampered due to various policies taken by the Government to break the chain of spread.

However, Muhaimin Iskandar said the challenges in national development during the pandemic period provided wisdom in empowering the state. "The wisdom of this pandemic is extraordinary. On the one hand we are having difficulties, but (on the other hand) it can be an evaluation of our empowerment as a country, as a nation and development actors to continue to exist and be empowered," said the Chairperson of the National Awakening Party (PKB) the.

In addition, he continued, national development in the midst of limited pandemic conditions and budget, must prioritize the implementation of vaccinations in order to achieve communal immunity or herd immunity.

Meanwhile, West Kalimantan residents who took part in the Roadshow virtually conveyed their aspirations, including related to the uneven distribution of COVID-19 vaccination, distribution of social assistance (bansos), agriculture, education and oxygen scarcity.

"We ask that the distribution of social assistance, such as BLT (direct cash assistance) and PKH (family hope program) be accelerated and directly felt by the people who are entitled to receive it," said one local village head.

Also participating in the event containing the virtual direction of Muhaimin Iskandar, was Member of the DPR from the PKB Faction, Daniel Johan, a community and religious leader in West Kalimantan.