Like Danny Pomanto In Makassar, Bobby Nasution Realized Isolation Of Medan COVID-19 Patients On Ships

MEDAN - The Medan City Government, North Sumatra, has realized the handling of COVID-19 patients by providing a floating isolation room on the Bukit Raya Motorboat (KM) in Belawan waters.
"This is an effort to anticipate a spike in cases and facilitate the handling of COVID-19 patients, especially in North Medan," said Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution, quoted by Antara, Thursday, August 12.
This was emphasized by Bobby Nasution after signing the cooperation between the Medan City Government, the Ministry of Transportation and PT Pelni witnessed by the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi virtually at Medan City Hall.
However, KM Bukit Raya belongs to PT Pelni not only for the people of North Medan, but for all residents of Medan City.
"If there are residents of North Medan who are confirmed, it will be very far if they are brought to the West or South. For that, we are preparing KM Bukit Raya as a place for initial handling," explained Bobby.
The Mayor of Medan also said that it was planned that KM Bukit Raya would arrive at Belawan Port, Monday (16/8), and that the ship would arrange and change the shape of the ship.
For adjustments in the Bukit Raya KM, he continued, the Medan City Government would involve the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and the Ministry of Health.
"It will be equipped with medical equipment first. For health workers, the Medan City Government will prepare them and other needs on board," said Mayor Bobby Nasution.
Isolation on ships was previously carried out by the Mayor of Makassar M Ramdhan Pomanto (Danny Pomanto). The isolation of COVID-19 patients was carried out on the Pelni Indonesia ship with the assistance of the Ministry of Transportation.