ITAGI Encourages Parents' Role In COVID-19 Vaccination In Children

JAKARTA - The National Immunization Expert Advisory Committee from the Indonesian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ITAGI) encourages parents to include their children in the COVID-19 vaccination program following the relatively high transmission rate in July 2021 in Indonesia. 2021 at the age of 0-5 years as much as 2.8 percent, 6-18 years 9.3 percent, if added up to 12.1 percent or the equivalent of 171,755 cases," said ITAGI Chair, Prof. Sri Rejeki Hadinegoro when attending virtually the talk agenda. - talk on the YouTube channel Antara TV Indonesia, which is monitored from Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, August 12. Sri said this figure exceeds the average COVID-19 case in children in a number of countries, which is around 4 percent of the total child population in the local area. "If we look at the prevalence of the number experiencing pain in 13 countries, aged 0-18 in Australia 4.4 percent, Canada 6.5 percent, Japan 7.1 percent, Newzeland and India are also high, an average of 4 per cent. cents," he said. Sri also highlighted the cumulative number of deaths in children due to SARS-CoV-2 which causes COVID-19 in Indonesia was around 2.1 percent. Consisting of 0-5 age as much as 0.8 percent, 6-18 years 1.3 percent. "If accumulated, it becomes 2.1 percent or about 807 cases," he said.

Sri said the age group of children was in the category at risk of being exposed to COVID-19, because of the total confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in July of more than 1.4 million people, as many as 171,000 more experienced children aged 0-18 years or equivalent to 12 1.1 percent. Meanwhile, of the total number of deaths due to COVID-19 in the same period of more than 38 thousand, 807 of them were experienced by children in the age range 0-18 years or equivalent to 2.1 percent. According to Sri, transmission of the Corona virus in children happened to coincide with the long holiday agenda, where children are often involved in parental activities such as vacationing, shopping or visiting relatives. "The importance of vaccination is prevention, so that people don't get sick. 19," he said. Although in general the symptoms of COVID-19 in children are mild to asymptomatic, Sri reminded parents to be aware of the potential for transmission. n viruses from children in the family. "If the child is kissed or hugged, it can be transmitted to his parents," he said.