South Coast Of Tulungagung, Trenggalek And Pacitan Hit By Rob Flood, Residents On Alert!

TULUNGAGUNG - Tidal floods due to tidal waves hit a number of coastal areas in the districts of Tulungagung, Trenggalek to Pacitan, Thursday, August 12.

High waves along with rising sea levels make the beaches along the southern coast of Tulungagung inundated. Some even entered the village, but did not cause any damage.

On Sidem Beach, Besole Village, Besuki District, Tulungagung, for example, the tidal flood that started at 09.00 WIB made local residents panicked.

Likewise with the coastal areas of Sine Beach, Popoh Beach, Gemah, to the coast of Munjungan District, Trenggalek Regency. The overflow of sea water into the mainland made residents panic.

Reported from Antara, Thursday, August 12 night, residents ran away but no one was evacuated. "Earlier, a car that was about to leave the house was also trapped in the tidal wave, because it is about 30 meters from the beach. But it doesn't seem to be damaged," said Sumaryanto, a fisherman around Sidem Beach.

In this coastal village which is located close to the shoreline, tidal flooding hit five RTs in RW 8 Dusun Sidem. There are a total of 265 households in this neighborhood.

Residents and Babinsa monitor the development of tidal flooding in the coastal residential area of Sidem (ANTARA)

Residents were seen on guard and on alert, monitoring the tidal wave anomaly that caused the tidal wave to hit.

"Rob is common, but usually predictable. Only today without warning at all," he said.

Apart from Sidem, tidal flooding also hit the beaches in Trenggalek and Pacitan. One of the observed at Blado Beach in Munjungan. On the beach which is directly facing the Indian Ocean, the tidal flood hit the stalls in the local beach area.

One fishing boat is reported to have capsized and a fisherman is still missing, presumably drowned and swept away by ocean currents. "The victim is currently still being searched for by officers," said Nurhadi, a resident of Munjungan reported.