During COVID-19 Curas And Curanmor Crime Raised 6 Percent

JAKARTA - During the mid-week of COVID-19, it was undeniable that there were many street crimes. In fact, when referring to police data, the number of crime cases increased by 6 percent.

The Jakarta Police Chief, Inspector General Nana Sudjana, said that the increase in crime occurred in ordinary thefts that led to violence. However, the security situation is still quite conducive.

"I say that total crime has decreased, but there are several cases that concern us. The problem of ballast theft, violent theft (curas), and motorcycle theft (curanmor) has increased by 6 percent during this pandemic," said Nana. in Jakarta, Friday, 19 May.

The security condition is still considered quite conducive, said Nana, because the number of cases disclosed in the jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya also increased by 34 percent.

The calculation of the increase in the number of cases and disclosures by comparing it with data from one month ago, or the previous year but in the same month.

"But for our disclosure it also increased to 34 percent. So there was (a crime) incident, disclosure also rose quite high, said Nana.

Evidence of the condition is still conducive

The increase in the number of case disclosures was evidenced by exposing data on criminal acts that occurred during the COVID-19 period. For example, from 34 cases of minimarket theft, more than half or 23 cases have been revealed.

In addition, the high number of disclosures is also evidenced by the arrest of a motorcycle theft syndicate (curanmor). In this case, eight people were named as suspects, three of whom were recidivists of similar cases.

The members of this syndicate were arrested while acting in Gombong Village, North Cikarang, Bekasi Regency. In fact, they have recorded dozens of motorbike thefts.

"They have acted for 18 times at 18 TKPs in the Bekasi City and Bekasi Regency areas," said Nana.

When in action, this curanmor group often uses the mode of searching for motorbikes without supervision or parked in quiet places. So, only with a Leter T key capital they can easily steal their targeted motorbikes.

"The modus operandi of the perpetrators was looking for motorbikes in the parking lot which was not guarded and the location was deserted," concluded Nana.