How To Charge HP Battery Correctly And Fast, Mandatory For Newly Purchased Cell Phones

YOGYAKARTA - Almost everyone would feel annoyed if they had to recharge their cellphone batteries repeatedly. Especially for someone who has high mobility. Obstacles will be excruciating.

Indeed, there are now many cellphones that are supported by large-capacity batteries. Not only that, there are also cellphones that are supported by fast charging technology.

But, not infrequently, these features are just a mere gimmick. Especially when the battery is damaged, these features don't have much effect on recharging habits. The battery still runs out fast.

It must be remembered, technology is only a mere tool. The most important thing is one's understanding and knowledge of doing something right. No exception in terms of recharging the HP battery.

How to Charge HP Correctly

Therefore, if you want your HP battery to last longer and last longer, you must know how to charge your HP battery correctly. And this time, the VOI team has compiled from various sources several ways that you need to know. Just check it out, okay?

Enable Airplane Mode

One of the things that drains the battery the most is the signal or internet network. It is also common knowledge that the worse the signal, the faster the battery drains.

In fact, in Indonesia, the internet network is not evenly distributed. There are still some areas with poor quality. And these conditions, of course, directly affect the health of the battery.

The quick solution, activate airplane mode when you recharge the battery. Based on multiple user trials, this method can reduce the required reload time by up to 25 percent!

Turning Off Phone

A simple method, but often overlooked. In fact, if you charge the device when it's off, the process will go faster. You see, there is no service that consumes power when the battery is recharged.

However, it should be noted that this step has its drawbacks. You will not be able to receive urgent phone calls. Therefore, you should do this method when you really have nothing to do or work.

Recharge from Main Power Source

Technological developments offer a variety of products that facilitate human activities. If the battery runs out quickly, some users prefer to use a Power Bank or recharge it from a laptop.

Indeed, the two products can also be an alternative. Especially when you can't find the main power source. However, it is also important to note that this habit has the potential to damage battery health if it is done continuously.

You see, the power source from other devices usually produces a power of 0.5A. This is far from the power generated by the main power source at home – which is 1A. That is why, recharging via a laptop or power bank usually takes longer.

So, if you want the process of recharging the battery to take place faster, make sure to do it through the main source only.

Well, those are some ways to charge the HP battery properly to make it durable and more durable. So, if you don't want your HP battery to be damaged, make one of the ways above a habit.