5 Types Of Tempe Apart From Soybeans, Which One Have You Tasted?

JAKARTA – Soybean is a raw material for various types of food in Indonesia. Starting from tempeh, tofu, soy sauce, tauco, to soy milk. As an alternative side dish, there are 5 types of tempe besides soybeans. What are the types? Here check the list below.

1. Tempe gembus

Gembus or gembos is the character of this type of tempe. Although essentially using tofu dregs, this tempeh has a softer texture and is tighter than tempeh from whole soybeans.

Usually, tempe gembus is processed by frying or disayur lodeh or stir-fried with long beans.

2. Tempe lamtoro

Lamtoro is also known as mlanding, with the scientific name Leucaena leucocephala. The general public also calls it petai china. When compared to tempeh made from soybeans, tempeh lamtoro also contains good protein.

3. Bend tempeh

Tempe benguk made from koro beans with a flat shape and bigger than soybeans. The taste is unique, usually cooked bacem, lodeh vegetables, and fried. How to make tempeh other than soybeans or with benguk beans, the process takes a long time.

Beans must be soaked for 48 hours. The goal is to remove the musty aroma and soften the beans before mixing with the yeast.

After soaking, washed thoroughly, finally mixed evenly with yeast and then wrapped in leaves. Until the tempeh is completely finished, it will take approximately 3 days.

4. Tempe bongkrek

Tempe bongkrek is popular from the Banyumas area, Central Java. This type of tempeh is also popular in Ahmad Tohari's literary work, novel, entitled Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk.

How does the taste of tempeh made from coconut dregs mixed with soybean seeds. Improper mixture and fermentation process can cause this tempe to be a toxic food because it is contaminated with the bacteria Burkholderia gadoli which produces bongkrek acid and toxoflavin.

5. Green bean tempeh

Green beans can be an alternative material that is processed into tempeh. The process of making green bean tempeh is the same as soybean tempeh. First, washed and sorted the good seeds. Separate also with the epidermis. Then steam for 30 minutes to produce a soft texture.

Cool for a while and mix with yeast. Finally, wrap it with banana leaves or teak leaves. For perfect fermentation, let stand at a cool temperature for 1-3 days.

Interested in tasting 5 types of tempe apart from the above soybeans?