WGSHub Invites Family Business And SME Through The Go Digital Movement To Overcome The Impact Of PPKM

JAKARTA - The startup manufacturer PT Wira Global Solusi (WGSHub) embraces Family Business and Small Medium Enterprise (SME) with the Go Digital movement to maintain and increase sales. Go Digital or digitization needs to be done in the face of the impact of the pandemic that has led to the enactment of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

Ikin Wirawan, Founder and President Commissioner of WGSHub said this pandemic forced Family Business and SME to adapt quickly and move towards Go Digital. However, often the cost of software, experts, and information technology infrastructure (IT infrastructure) which is not cheap becomes an obstacle for these parties to go digital.

"This is where WGSHub's role as a Venture Builder becomes a solution. We come not as a vendor but as a partner," said Ikin Wirawan in a press release, quoted Wednesday, August 11.

Ikin said that the need for Go Digital or digitization by Family Business and SME is increasing, especially at this time when PPKM is enforced and limits mobility, including the level of visits to shopping centers or shops.

PPKM's goal to suppress the spread of COVID-19 has also had a negative impact on economic activity, especially those felt by the pulse of the national economy, especially the owners of Family Business and SME.

For this reason, WGSHub invites Family Business and SME actors to overcome the impact of PPKM by Go Digital in terms of operations and increasing marketing.

Meanwhile, according to Edwin Pramana as the President Director of WGSHub, "WGSHub has now prepared a partnership system and has also prepared an ecosystem that can be utilized by SME and Family Business to Go Digital as soon as possible without the need to think about the high costs of programmers and IT Infrastructure.

This is also in line with the government's plan for the SME digitization program in 2024 with a target of 30 million SME players connected to the digital ecosystem.

Edwin believes that the Indonesian digital market in 2025 is predicted to skyrocket to a value of 124 billion US dollars, so that many digitalization ideas require mutual partnerships with Family Business and SMEs.

The company targets to reach 3-5 percent of the total digital market by 2024 by giving birth to new startups with Family Business and SME. So that in the future WGSHub hopes to consolidate successful startups both in terms of valuation and in terms of profitability.