PPKM In Makassar Extended Until August 23, Malls Close

MAKASSAR - The Makassar City Government, South Sulawesi, has again extended the implementation of Level IV Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) for two weeks until 23 August.

"We are following the central instructions to continue PPKM level IV," said Makassar Mayor Moh Ramdhan Pomanto (Danny Pomanto), Tuesday, August 10.

This is in accordance with the Decree contained in the circular letter number: 443.01/400/S.Edar/Kesbangpol/VIII/2021 which he signed as of August 10, 2021.

The extension of the PPKM level IV saw the trend of transmission cases being still high. Data from the Task Force on the development situation of COVID-19 control and handling in South Sulawesi, as of August 9, 2021, positive confirmed patients increased by 807 cases. Makassar City gave the highest contribution with 151 cases, followed by Tana Toraja Regency with 130 cases and Pangkep Regency with 100 new cases.

Several important points in the circular were emphasized, namely that the wedding reception was abolished. Shopping centers, malls and trade centers are temporarily closed except for access to supermarkets, restaurants and supermarkets until 20.00 WITA with a maximum visitor capacity of 50 percent.

Karaoke business activities, Family Singing Houses, Night Clubs, Discotheques, Live Music, Massage/Reflection, and the like, including supporting facilities for entertainment venues in hotels, are closed until the status of the business location in the RT is declared out of PPKM level IV.

Likewise, public facilities such as public areas, public parks, tourist attractions and the like are temporarily closed. Art, culture, sports and social activities for locations that can cause crowds and crowds are also temporarily closed.

As for the rules for food stalls, street vendors, hawker stalls and the like, cafes are allowed to open until 22.00 WITA with a strict health protocol of 5 M and serve meals on-site with a capacity of 25 percent. After that, they receive take-away food and drink, both restaurants, cafes with medium and large scale.

However, at point j, sports activities or sports competitions are allowed, but held by the government without spectators or supporters with the implementation of strict health protocols, as well as independent or individual sports still implementing strict health protocols.

For domestic travelers who use long-distance public transportation vehicles such as airplanes, buses, ships and trains, must show a vaccine card (at least the first dose and show PCR H-2 for airplanes and Antigen (H-1) for transportation modes private cars, motorcycles, buses, trains and ships.

As for 100 percent operations, such as the implementation of construction activities for public infrastructure (construction sites and project sites) and maintaining strict health protocols. Likewise pharmacies and drug stores can be open 24 hours.

For witnesses of violations of the provisions referred to in this Circular Letter, sanctions will be imposed in accordance with the provisions of the Prevailing Laws.

The plan is that the Makassar City Government will also conduct road testing, at 15 points that are red zones in Makassar City as a quick step to find out the extent of exposure to COVID-19.

"Our plan with the TNI-Polri is to carry out on-the-street testing. We will also carry out antigen swabs on the streets, but the system is random or random in the morning and evening, because otherwise we can't afford it," he said.