Ketum Golkar: The Quality Of Indonesian Democracy Must Be Improved

JAKARTA - The General Chair of Golkar, Airlangga Hartarto, said that Indonesia had chosen democracy as a system choice in political and government governance. Pancasila as the basis of the state, namely the 4th precept, implies the nation's choice of democracy.

As a system, according to him, the practice of democracy in Indonesia always experiences ups and downs along with the dynamics of socio-political life that occur at every time.

Now, said Airlangga, democracy in Indonesia in the reform era, in practice continues to experience improvements along with the dynamics of the will of the people where sovereignty is located.

"The Golkar Party, as one of the political parties that is a pillar of democracy in our country, is always committed to safeguarding and defending democracy in our beloved country," Airlangga said in a national speech at the virtual 50th anniversary of CSIS, Tuesday, August 10.

With democracy, he continued, all elements of the nation can manage the diversity of wills, desires and aspirations of the pluralistic and pluralistic Indonesian people.

"That way, the democracy that we practice today must actually strengthen the establishment of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), which we love," he said.

The Coordinating Minister for the Economy said that Indonesia had successfully held direct presidential elections for four times accompanied by regional head elections at the provincial, district and city levels.

According to him, all the electoral system implementation processes have been running safely, orderly and smoothly. This shows that Indonesia's electoral democracy has been tested by producing leadership, both national and regional, which has very strong public legitimacy from the community.

According to him, the community has matured in determining their political choices accompanied by a choice of vision and programs offered. Thus, the government system further strengthens presidentialism while maintaining the mechanism of checks and balances through the representative system in parliament.

"But we must improve the quality of our democratic consolidation. We have been recognized by the world as the world's largest Muslim-populated country that implements democracy. This shows that Islam and democracy have compatibility as the practice of democracy in Indonesia," said Airlangga.