Ayu Azhari Invites Women To Help The Government Facing The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - Ayu Azhari is back to being active in Indonesia. In fact, Ayu Azhari is ready to join the world of politics. As Chair of the Women's Muslimah Amanah PAN DKI Jakarta Province, Ayu wants to invite women to actively help the government deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the webinar to welcome the Islamic new year, 1 Muharram, Ayu Azhari was one of the speakers with Leila Bawazir, Ustazah Asri Ivo, and Ummi Pipik Dian Irawati.

"We must support the government so that the transmission of COVID-19 is quickly completed. Together with the taklim assembly, we can help suppress the transmission of COVID-19 by supporting vaccination," said Ayu Azhari.

According to him, women are very influential in enforcing health protocols to suppress the spread of COVID-19. Because schools are conducted online, the role of a mother also increases.

"Women are not only mothers, women are teachers at home for the future of their children. We are here to enlighten each other, reflecting that women are more advanced. We must be proud of the first teacher at home, in the family, there is a spiritual spirit," continued Ayu Azhari.

Ayu Azhari hopes that women in times like this will be more advanced and can be a good example. Astri Ivo agrees with Ayu Azhari and invites women to view the COVID-19 pandemic not only as a test. However, the COVID-19 pandemic is also a lesson.

"Pandemic should not be seen as a hardship but as a lesson. The wife's duty in the family is a strength for her husband in earning a living. Women with noble character can bring the family to happiness," said Astri Ivo.