Files Of Leader And Provocateur Of The 2019 Papua Riots Victor Yeimeo Complete

JAKARTA - The investigation files of Victor Yeimeo, the leader of the Jayapura riots in 2019 were declared complete or P21. Currently, the evidence and suspects have been handed over to the public prosecutor (JPU) for immediate trial.

"Phase II was carried out by investigators after the case file for Victor's case was declared complete or P21. This submission was received directly by the Public Prosecutor of the Jayapura District Attorney," said Head of the Nemangkawi Public Relations Task Force Kombes Ahmad Mustofa Kamal as reported by Antara, Tuesday, August 10.

Kamal explained that the submission of suspects and evidence by the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Papua Police to the Public Prosecutor was carried out on Monday, August 9, virtually.

Victor Yeimeo is a spokesman for the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB), which was the provocateur of riots in Papua in 2019.

The Joint Team of the Nemangkawi Task Force and the Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Papua Police arrested Victor Yeimeo, who has been on the wanted list (DPO) since the 2019 riots.

Victor Federik Yeimeo (38) was arrested last Sunday, May 9 in front of the Tanah Hitam Daihatsu Dealer, Abepura District, Jayapura City.

Kamal, who is also the Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, said that the suspect was placed in the Papua Satbrimobda Rutan while waiting for further instructions from the public prosecutor. Victor, said Kamal, was charged with the formulation of Article 106 in conjunction with Article 87 of the Criminal Code and or Article 110 of the Criminal Code and or Article 14 paragraph 91), (2) and Article 15 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning the Criminal Law Regulations and or Article 66 of the Law. Law number 24 of 2009 concerning the Flag, Language, State Emblem and National Anthem and or Article 160 of the Criminal Code and or Article 187 of the Criminal Code and or Article 365 of the Criminal Code and or Article 170 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code and or Article 2 of the Emergency Law Number 12 Year 1951 Jo Article 64 of the Criminal Code.

Victor Yeimeo as one of the separatist figures of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB), Victor has always been the actor or mastermind behind the separatist action.

On Monday. On August 9, a group of 15 KNPB youths, representing themselves as the Meepago Student Youth Association, took part in a free pulpit in the courtyard of the Abepura Theological Philosophy School, demanding the release of Victor Yeimeo, who was named a suspected provocateur of the 2019 Papua riots.

Former KNPB activist in Jayapura, Albert Yikwa, considered the actions of a group of youths whose identities were not known to be wrong.

“Victor Yeimeo deserves to take responsibility for his actions through legal means. Everyone will know the name Victor Yeimeo, because he is a provocateur in Papua. Some of his actions can even mobilize the masses to carry out movements, sometimes they are embellished with criminal acts," said Albert.

In his written statement, Albert added that Victor should not be released from the law.

"Victor Yeimo should not escape this law, because if he escapes it is not impossible that there will be another mass movement, where this action is a form of human rights violation. We saw how acts of destruction, attempted attacks, and even murders took place in Jayapura and Wamena at that time, " he said, adding that KNPB is synonymous with threats and intimidation.

"Papuans are tired of this. Every time there is an interest, Papuans, from parents to children, will be used. They are intimidated to take action. Everyone knows that rottenness, he explained," said Albert.