Spilled After Being Injected With Sinovac, This Banda Aceh Student Admitted That She Was Asked By The Campus For KRS Requirements

ACEH - Amelia Wulandari (24 years) a student of the Faculty of Law at Syiah Kuala University (USK) Banda Aceh is suspected of being paralyzed after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, Sinovac.

Amelia confessed that she injected the vaccine because she was asked by the college where she studied.

"If I don't get vaccinated, then I can't upload (upload) Study Plan Cards (KRS) and graduation," Amelia Wulandari told reporters quoted from Antara, Monday, August 9.

He admitted that he was forced to inject the vaccine, because without a vaccine certificate, he could not enter the KRS document into the computer system. Because of these rules, he admitted that he had to inject the vaccine.

"Indeed there are no sanctions, but if there is no vaccine letter, you cannot upload and open KRS," he said

Amelia Wulandari also explained that so far the lecture process on campus since the pandemic has been carried out online and not face-to-face.

He also admitted that while he was being treated at the Cut Nyak Dhien Meulaboh Hospital, his health condition is now better and he has experienced a lot of recovery. Even now he can sit up and move his legs, although he can't walk as usual.

Amelia is a student at the Faculty of Law, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh. On Monday, August 9 yesterday, the Regent of Aceh Barat Haji Ramli MS came to visit him at the hospital.

The Regent emphasized that Amelia's paralysis was not caused by the Sinovac vaccine.

"Based on the results of an investigation conducted by the West Aceh Health Service, the incident experienced by Amelia Wulandari is not related to the vaccine. Maybe it is due to other disease factors," said Regent Ramli MS accompanied by West Aceh Police Chief AKBP Andrianto Argamuda.