Dissecting Government Narrative Patterns In Announcement Of Handling COVID-19
JAKARTA - The Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 has the same communication pattern. There is a repetitive sentence affirmation when communicating the handling of the corona virus.
For example, during the daily presentation of the handling of COVID-19, the communication team of the Indonesian Covid-19 Task Force, Reisa Broto Asmoro, often spoke sentences that motivated people to think positively.
"We decide the transmission of COVID-19 and work hard to make the pandemic end quickly. If we believe, I am sure our efforts will be successful. If we all work together, the results will be seen more quickly. We can definitely do it. We can do it," he said. Reisa at Graha BNPB, Tuesday, June 16.
In addition, the COVID-19 Handling Acceleration Task Force also presents a motivator, Merry Riana, once every 2 weeks, to motivate the community. By wearing colorful clothes, a happy face, and a passionate tone of speech, Merry provides guidance for people to think positively about new habits.
"We have to remain productive. Whatever the situation, we must walk in the middle of this new normal. Whatever happens, you have to get up, dress up, show up and never give up," said Merry.
In general, there are three main narratives that the government echoed when announcing the development of the COVID-19 case. This narrative is usually told by a government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto.
The narrative states that the government is serious about dealing with COVID-19, the public is asked to be calm and vigilant, and believe that COVID-19 can be cured. Why does it have to be like that?
Based on the explanation on the official website of the Presidential Staff Office (http://ksp.go.id/waspada-corona/index.html), the government, in communicating the handling of COVID-19, adheres to the theory of psychotherapist Athony de Mello (1997).
In handling disease outbreaks in the world, Anthony de Mello stated that the number of victims could be five times higher, if there is fear during an outbreak of disease. One thousand people became victims because of illness, while four thousand people became victims because of panic.
The government reflects on Anthony's theory in handling COVID-19. Communication is the most important part of dealing with an outbreak. For the government, public trust needs to be built and maintained so that there is no panic in the community and so that the handling can run smoothly.
The communication team for handling COVID-19 also has guidelines on which narrative can be conveyed and which cannot. The communication team was asked to convey an appeal to remain calm, convey that the regional and central governments are compact in dealing with the outbreak, and convey that the stock of basic food is sufficient. They must also show body language that displays a message that is ready and able to deal with COVID-19.
Meanwhile, what should not be disclosed is the use of the word "precarious", "crisis", and the like. Then, the communication team must also not provide information that contains assumptions or hunches, and shows body language that is not serious or joking.