Residents Receive Yellow Rice Full Of Ticks, Head Of Tambora District Asks Social Minister Risma To Intervene

JAKARTA - The Head of Tambora Sub-district, West Jakarta, Bambang Sutarna admitted that his residents received unworthy rice from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos). This was experienced by several RWs in Angke Village.

Weli (64) as a resident of RW 03 said he got rice filled with lice and yellow. As a result, the rice must be dried in the sun to be cleaner. "It has been cleaned by the wife this morning, it has been selected and then mixed with good rice," he said as quoted by Antara, Monday, August 9.

Apart from Weli, Ahmad as the administrator of RW 03 also received a report of the finding of lice. However, he admitted that the report was not too much.

"Not too many, around 20 people who reported," said Ahmad.

Until now, Ahmad and other administrators are still accommodating residents' complaints about the findings of inappropriate rice from the central government.

With this complaint, the Camat Bambang hopes that his residents will get a proper replacement for rice from the central government, in this case the Ministry of Social Affairs. "Hopefully it can be replaced. Our hope is like that," said Bambang.

Bambang himself cannot interfere in helping residents get compensation for rice because this is not his domain.

"That's part of the Ministry of Social Affairs, we're just waiting for information," said Bambang.

Previously, Perum Bulog, Regional Offices of DKI Jakarta and Banten and PT Pos Indonesia replaced the government-assisted rice that was not fit for consumption that spread to Angke Village, Tambora, West Jakarta.

Head of Operations and Public Service of Perum Bulog, Regional Offices of DKI Jakarta and Banten, Volta Aresta said that the replacement and withdrawal of the rice had been carried out since last Saturday, August 7.

The rice was deemed unfit for consumption because several lumps and foreign objects were found.

"The rice from the government is medium rice, the problem is that the rice is wet and slightly lumpy because it is caused by rain and heat," said Volta.

The lump, continued Volta, was caused by raindrops falling on the rice during the loading and unloading process.

Instead, his party has given replacement rice in RW 11 and RW 06 as much as 90 kilograms or the equivalent of nine sacks.

"The process of replacing wet rice into rice suitable for consumption carried out by Perum Bulog, Regional Offices of DKI Jakarta and Banten together with PT Pos Indonesia went smoothly," he said.