Fasting Ashura, Know: Its History, Virtue, Intentions And Schedule

JAKARTA - Performing sunnah worship is organized to get reward and forgiveness. In the near future, based on the hijri calendar will celebrate the new year 1 Muharram. The sunnah worship performed in the new year is fasting.

Tasua and Ashura sunnah fasts were recommended by the Prophet Muhammad. Before you believe in the advice of the Prophet Muhammad, know the history, time of fasting, intention of fasting, and its priorities below.

History of Ashura fasting

Ashura fasting is performed before the obligatory fast of Ramadan. The story began when Rasulullah SAW before migrating from Mecca to Medina. Before traveling the distance, the Prophet fasted Ashura. At that time, the Prophet had not ordered Muslims to fast.

While traveling to Medina, the Prophet Muhammad met with Jews who were fasting Ashuro. Ashuro fasting is performed as a token of gratitude to Prophet Musa AS on the day of Ashura because Allah SWT saved the Children of Israel from the enemy's threat.

After the meeting, the Prophet Muhammad ordered Muslims to fast on the day of Ashura. The later fast of Ashura is a sunnah law to be practiced.

Only after the second year of Hijri, Rasulullah made it obligatory to fast Ramadan and no longer went through and ordered his people to fast Ashura.

The priority of Ashura fasting

Fasting the sunnah of Ashura has the virtue, which is to abort minor sins for a year. Reported by Kompas, Monday, August 9, fasting the sunnah of Ashura following its virtues as conveyed by the Prophet SAW in a hadith.

"Fasting Ashura can remove minor sins a year ago," (HR Muslim).

Tasua's fasting intention

"Nawaitu shauma ghadin 'an ada'i sunnatit taasuu'aa sunnatan lillâhi ta'âlâ."

Meaning: "I intend to fast Tasua, sunnah because of Allah Ta'ala."

The intention of fasting Ashura

"Nawaitu shauma ghadin 'an ada'i sunnatil âsyûrâ lillâhi ta'âlâ."

Meaning: "I intend to fast the sunnah of Ashura tomorrow because of Allah SWT."

Ashura and Tasua fasting schedule

Tasua and Ashura fasting is sunnah. Tasua fasting is performed on 9 Muharram and Ashura fasting on 10 Muharram. That is, Tasua fasting is performed on August 18, 2021 and Ashura on August 19, 2021.