Police Find Marijuana Field In Berastagi, North Sumatra, 26 Tree Trunks And 3.2 Kg Of Cannabis Confiscated

MEDAN - The police revealed the existence of a marijuana field in Sempajaya Village, Berastagi District, Karo Regency, North Sumatra.

From the disclosure, the Karo Police Narcotics Investigation Unit officers secured evidence in the form of 26 marijuana trees and 3.2 kg of marijuana leaves to be distributed.

Tanah Karo Police Chief, AKBP Yustinus Setyo through the Karo Police Narcotics Head AKP Henry Tobing said the police arrested 2 men suspected of growing marijuana.

The two youths are Perius Sitepu (31) and Eminta Sitepu (26) who are residents of Sukanalu, Namanteran District, Karo Regency.

"Our arrests were made on Wednesday, August 4, 2021, yesterday at 21.00 WIB. Starting from community reports, we followed up," Henry said when contacted by reporters, Monday, August 9.

From the arrest of the two men, development was carried out and evidence of marijuana-type narcotics was found in a wet state. Consists of twigs, leaves and cannabis seeds.

"The evidence found wrapped in pieces of newsprint was known to weigh 1,900 grams," Henry sold.

The police also found marijuana in a wet state including twigs, leaves and seeds weighing 1,300 grams which were in a white plastic jute above the bathroom of the house where the arrest took place.

“The two perpetrators explained that they obtained the marijuana from the cannabis plant that was planted by themselves. Then at around 23.00 WIB, the personnel along with the two perpetrators came to the field," he explained.

From the results of the development carried out, it was found that twenty-six cannabis plants with a height of between 35 cm and 175 cm were planted in the garden.

"Furthermore, on Thursday, August 5, 2021, accompanied by the Sempa Jaya Village apparatus, the revocation was carried out

against the twenty-six marijuana trees and secured it to the Narcotics Satres of the Tanah Karo Police for further investigation," said Henry.