BKSDA South Sumatra Released 3 Owa Siamangs

JAKARTA - The Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) of South Sumatra released three siamang gibbons (Symphalangus syndactylus) in the protection block of the Dangku Wildlife Reserve, Musi Banyuasin, Monday.

The head of the South Sumatra BKSDA, Ujang Wisnu Barata in Palembang, Monday, said the three gibbon gibbons, two male and one female, were the result of voluntary submissions from the people in Palembang City and Lahat Regency as well as from rescue operations. because of the conflict in Lahat District.

According to him, the three animals have been declared healthy and fit based on the animal health certificate number 520/001/Keswan/DPKP/2021 dated August 6, 2021. "These three protected animals have been declared healthy and fit to be released into the wild," he said as quoted by Antara, Monday. , August 9th.

Before being released into the wild, the three animals had gone through a three-month rehabilitation process in the transit enclosure of the conservation resort area IV Palembang City. "All three are monitored regularly by officers and animal health workers," he said.

The implementation of this activity has been provided with a letter from the director of biodiversity conservation number S.586/KKH/AJ/KSA.2/08/2021 dated August 6, 2021 regarding support for the release of the siamang (Shympalangus syndactylus).

"So, this is part of the conservation program," he said. He said the activity was also part of a series of commemorating the 2021 national nature conservation day which is expected to be a means of education and publication to the public about the importance of maintaining ecosystem balance, preserving animals, and carrying capacity of conservation areas as animal habitats.

The gibbon gibbon is a protected primate species with a population covering almost all areas on the island of Sumatra.

As stipulated in the regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry number P.106/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/12/2018 regarding the second amendment to the regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) number P.20/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1 /6/2018 concerning protected plant and animal species.

"This is an implementation of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry's 'Living in Harmony with Nature' program by conserving state-owned wildlife," he said.