'Pirates' Annoy Fishermen In West Kalimantan: Use Guns, Todongs And Squeeze The Results From Fishing To Fuel

KALBAR - Actions of 'pirates' have disturbed fishermen in the waters of Pelas Island, North Kayong Regency, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan). With a firearm (senpi), the perpetrator pointed at him, asking for marine products and fuel oil (BBM) for fishermen in the area.

This was stated by the Head of the Indonesian Fishermen Association (HNSI) of West Kalimantan, Sigit Sugiardi when contacted by the media in Pontianak, Monday, August 9. "The incident or information that we received were acts of thuggery experienced by fishermen who were either at sea or resting around Pepelas Island and its surroundings on Saturday," Sigit said as quoted by Antara.

Sigit said that this pirate action had been carried out repeatedly. The perpetrators were also 'cat and mouse' when officers were aggressively patrolling the area.

"When the relevant agencies carry out intensive patrols, they do not carry out their actions, but when there are no patrols they again disturb the fishermen," said Sigit.

So in this case, all parties must find a solution in providing a sense of security to fishermen when looking for sustenance by going to the sea to catch fish, he said.

"The thugs, according to the fishermen's statements, do not seem to be from the West Kalimantan area, it can be seen from the shape of their motor boats which are different from those of local fishermen," he said.

They (the thugs) used a rather long KM and used firearms to frighten the fishermen. "So that none of the fishermen dare to take photos or videos when they harass the fishermen," said Sigit.

The locations where thuggery or thuggery occurs to fishermen are in the west of the Karimata Strait or the location around Leman Shells, then Pelais Island.

"This location is an area with lots of fish, the water is clear, the current is good, so many fishermen catch fish there, not only fishermen from West Kalimantan, but also from Java," he said.

He hopes that there is a solution to this, so it doesn't keep repeating itself. "Hopefully in the future this incident will not happen again, so that the community or fishermen are not harmed by the actions of these thugs," said Sigit.