BTNK Investigate Cause Of Savanna Fire In Komodo National Park Area

LABUAN BAJO - The Komodo National Park Office (BTNK) is still investigating the cause of the savanna fire in Laju Pemali, Komodo National Park area, West Manggarai, NTT.

"We are still conducting further investigations. For the time being, we estimate that due to the long dry season, the weather is very hot in a steep area that is difficult for humans to access," said BTNK Sub-Division Head Dwi Putro Sugiarto in Labuan Bajo as quoted by Antara, Monday, 9 August.

Based on the analysis of the team that carried out the fire, he said, there were fire jumps that formed certain spots. Thus, the burned land does not focus on one point. After being merged, the total burnt area of the savanna area is 10 hectares.

Dwi admitted that the blackout process was done manually. The location of the fire which is steep on a cliff makes it difficult for 41 BTNK personnel to distribute water from the sea.

Therefore, the fire was extinguished for a long time using hands and dry leaves that were around the location. The fire was extinguished on Sunday at 05.00 WITA.

Previously, the officers had first secured the footprints of the Komodo dragon and its feed in the valley area near Loh Wenci. Dwi said, the location of the valley is often passed by Komodo dragons during the rainy season. However, when it is dry, Komodo dragons and their food, such as deer and buffalo, do not come to the area.

"We have identified that not a single animal died as a result of this fire," he asserted.

Despite having extinguished, the BTNK could not leave the location. Officers patrolled the area until this morning to make sure the fire did not rekindle. For this incident, the BTNK will carry out mitigation by increasing patrols in the Komodo National Park area.

"It's not a tourist spot, but a steep area. To prevent fires from happening again, we will increase patrols and monitor hotspots," he said.

The savanna fire in Laju Pemali, Komodo National Park (TNK) area, West Manggarai occurred on Saturday, August 7 at around 15.00 WITA.

The location of Laju Pemali is in the west of Komodo Island and south of Loh Wenci. Laju Pemali is a fringe area within the core zone bordering the jungle zone and marine protection zone.