Police Check Principals Of 3 Private Schools In Bukittinggi Held Face-to-Face Learning During PPKM

BUKITTINGGI - The Bukittinggi City Police questioned representatives of three private schools in the city for allegedly violating the rules for the online teaching and learning process during the implementation of PPKM.

"We have summoned and examined information from the principal or representatives from three private schools in Bukittinggi City because of reports of alleged violations of the teaching and learning process," said Ps. .

According to him, the police are still conducting an investigation by collecting information from the three schools suspected of holding the face-to-face learning.

"According to PPKM rules, schools should be online, we are still investigating, the information is that students come in free clothes, for sanctions in the discussion, if later there are elements of violating the regional regulations, they will be handed over to the Bukittinggi Police," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bukittinggi City Education Office, Melfi Abra, confirmed that there was information that several schools were still holding face-to-face learning during the third level PPKM in Bukittinggi.

"It is true that we have received information from social media circulating about the existence of a school principal who will be summoned for questioning from the police, but we have not been officially notified," he said.

According to him, the Education Office has provided socialization and circulars regarding the rules of teaching and learning during PPKM and the extension of PPKM in Bukittinggi to every existing school.

"Several times we have conveyed to all schools to comply with applicable regulations, including providing circulars from the City Government to the Minister of Home Affairs, either officially or through existing social media groups," he said.

Melfi said that his party had reminded every school to only allow collecting and picking up school assignments and if there was coordination with parents, it was carried out with restrictions.

"And for sanctions, we from the Education Office are not allowed to give punishment, it is the authority of law enforcement that is adjusted to the applicable rules," he said.

The city of Bukittinggi is currently in a zone that applies the PPKM level three rules which will end today, it is not yet known whether the regulation will be extended by the government later.