Ayu Ting Ting's Child Online Bullying Dilemma, Netizens Do Not Accept Haters Defended By East Java DPRD Members

JAKARTA - Ayu Ting Ting's daughter's bullying case has a long tail. Starting from reporting, until Ayu Ting Ting's parents went to Bojonegoro, then KD, the alleged perpetrator of bullying, apologized, now it's the turn of the East Java DPRD member, Fauzan Fuadi from the PKB faction.

From his statement, Fauzan's Facebook account, Sunday 8 August, he appealed about the dangers of commenting carelessly on social media. He hopes that netizens can be wiser in their comments. "Your mouth is your tiger. Let's be wise in social media. Let's learn to be ocean-hearted," he wrote.

He argued that Ayu Ting Ting's parents' actions were excessive by uploading photos of KD and his family on social media. Ayu Ting Ting's mother, Umi Kalsum, indeed had time to upload KD's parents and their child on their Instagram account. The video was then taken down from his account.

Umi Kulsum also asked the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore for help to track down the whereabouts of the alleged perpetrators. "Hopefully someone can help how he Kartika Damayanti returns to Indonesia to be responsible for all defamation of my children and grandchildren @kbrisingapura, please help," concluded Ayu Ting Ting's mother.

After the video was uploaded, KD then apologized virtually. He uploaded a video admitting he was wrong and apologizing.

Fauzan said the incident traumatized KD's parents. They felt sad, that's why Fauzan defended the KD family. He dismissed the notion of social assistance directed at him.

"I'm just trying to help the weak, there's no social assistance or anything else. What's social assistance for? I don't want to be an artist. I don't want to be governor or president," he explained.

He said he would prepare a lawyer to accompany KD's family and asked KD not to be afraid to go home to take responsibility. Fauzan even said that KD had been chivalrous.

"In this case, both Kartika Damayanti (KD) or Ayu Ting Ting's parents who rammed into Kedungadem Bojonegoro, essentially both are not exemplary. Ting is still nagging, even saying that other people have a devil heart, the Antichrist, wants to imprison KD's parents as a guarantee for KD to go home and other inappropriate words," Fauzan wrote.

Fauzan's statement was re-uploaded by the @haters_tandingan Instagram account and then went viral. Warganet did not accept Fauzan's statement asking him to be more proactive in mediating, not just talking on social media.

The cost of returning KD is very expensive

Separately, Farhat Abbas also spoke about Ayu Ting Ting's parents asking the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore and the authorities to arrest KD. Farhat Abbas said that KD returning to Indonesia must follow the work procedures from Indonesia and Singapore.

"But as great as that person is, there is still an expiration date if 12 years wait for him to come back. Wait for him to return to Indonesia, follow the procedure. For 10 years, the person will return to Indonesia, the procedure will continue," he said, quoted from Cumi Cumi's YouTube channel on Monday, August 9th.

If KD was forced to return to Indonesia, then Ayu Ting Ting's family would have to pay the police fantastically. Therefore, he is not sure if the family of the 29-year-old dancer did it.

"Indeed, for the extradition of the Singapore agreement to return Indonesians, it is indeed more expensive just because of slightly insulting Article 27 paragraph 3 of the ITE Law. The police came to arrest it, the cost was very high, it was impossible," he said.

Ayu Ting Ting also admitted that he had forgiven, but the legal process would continue. While hosting a program on a television station, Ayu even quipped KD to go home immediately and follow the applicable legal procedures.

As her fans expected, Ayu Ting Ting wants her case to continue. The 29-year-old singer was most furious when the haters harassed his baby, Bilqis Khumairah Razak. Ayu Ting Ting hopes that all legal processes will run smoothly.

"That's right, that's what I'm most emotional about because he's the one with Bilqis the most. So, if it's like this, it's clear that you've found a bright spot, let's just pray that the process goes smoothly," said Ayu Ting Ting, quoted from the Cumi Cumi YouTube channel.

"Yes, we'll see later, hopefully the process will be smoothed out. Later, I can't comment much," he continued.