Jokowi Wants RI To Upgrade From Easy Investment Countries: We Must Upgrade To Very Easy Investments

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) assesses that Indonesia can still improve its achievements in terms of absorption of investment, both for those originating from within the country and abroad. According to the President, Indonesia's position, which is 73rd in the category of easy-to-invest countries, can continue to be encouraged in order to get a better predicate.

"In the 2020 world bank report, our country is ranked 73rd out of 190 countries in terms of ease of doing business. That means it's in the easy category. But that category is not enough, we have to improve again from easy to very easy. That is our target,” he said in a speech inaugurating the Online Single Submission (OSS) system which was broadcast online, Monday, August 9.

To note, Indonesia is currently intensifying various structural reform efforts, especially in the economic field as stated in the omnibus law of the Job Creation Act. Through this agenda, the government hopes that the resulting new regulations can make a major contribution to increasing investment in the country.

Thus, it can provide comfort for investors through the creation of a conducive business climate with a sustainable economic growth target.

“Because we want the business climate in our country to change to be more conducive, making it easier for micro and small and medium enterprises to start a business. We want to be able to increase investor confidence to create as many job opportunities as possible, so that it becomes a solution to the problem of increasing unemployment due to the pandemic," he said.

Based on the broadcast of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), the realization of direct investment (foreign direct investment) in the second quarter of 2021 reached IDR 223.0 trillion or grew by 16.2 percent year-on-year (yoy).

The realization consisted of Domestic Investment (PMDN) of Rp. 106.2 trillion or grew 12.7 percent yoy. Meanwhile, Foreign Investment (PMA) amounted to US$ 7.99 billion or equivalent to Rp. 116.8 trillion which is known to grow by 19.6 percent yoy.