This Is The Face Of The Naked Robber Who Was Being Chased By The Rejang Lebong Bengkulu Police

JAKARTA - Police officers from Rejang Lebong are still pursuing six perpetrators of the robbery of an ambulance on the Curup-Lubuklinggau Cross Road, Gardu Hamlet, Curup Head Village, Binduriang District.

According to information from the Rejang Lebong Police, until now his party is still pursuing a number of points suspected to be hiding places for the perpetrators.

"Yes, it's true that we are still pursuing the other 6 perpetrators." Said Ipda Ali Ardiani, Head of the Pidum of the Rejang Lebong Police, Bengkulu Police when confirmed by VOI, Monday, August 9.

To facilitate the search for the perpetrators, the Rejang Lebong Police also spread the faces and identities of the perpetrators to a number of command lines.

In the flyer received by VOI, there were four perpetrators, Bayu alias Edi Gobles, Dandi Saputra alias Beramun, Baim, and Epan Dede Saputra alias Engki. The perpetrators have the age of 20 to 35 years with the profession of 2 farmers (Baim and Engki). Meanwhile, Edi Gobles and Dandi Saputra are unemployed.

Image Source: Police Headquarters/

As previously reported, two ambulance officers from PSC 119 in Rejang Lebong Regency who had just returned from taking a COVID-19 referral patient to the AR Bunda Hospital in Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra were intercepted by 7 people on Jalan Lintas Curup-Lubuklinggau, Dusun Gardu on 3 July.

Rejang Lebong Police Chief AKBP Puji Prayitno said that of the seven perpetrators of the COVID-19 ambulance robbery, only one person was arrested. Meanwhile, six other people are still being sought by officers.

The PSC 119 Rejang Lebong ambulance, plate BD 9177 KY, was robbed after a tire burst, the driver and one nurse had to lose two cellphones, medical equipment, and Rp150,000 in cash after being threatened with sharp weapons.