Denies Giving JC To Nazaruddin, KPK Only Issues A Cooperation Certificate

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has denied the statement of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkuham) regarding the granting of justice collaborator status to convicted assimilationist Muhammad Nazaruddin.

Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ali Fikri said the KPK had only ever issued a cooperation certificate for Nazaruddin.

"The KPK on June 9 and June 21 2017 issued a letter of cooperation for M. Nazaruddin because since the investigation, prosecution and trial processes have exposed corruption cases," Ali said in his written statement, Wednesday, June 17.

Ali explained, there were several corruption cases disclosed by Nazaruddin, namely the corruption case for the construction of the Hambalang National Sports Facilities Education and Training Center (P3SON), the case for procuring an electronic ID card at the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), and the case for gratification and money laundering that ensnared the former chairman. Democrat Party General Anas Urbaningrum.

In addition, this cooperation certificate was issued by the KPK because the former Democratic Party Treasurer had paid a fine in full to the state treasury.

"We convey again that the KPK has never issued a JC decree for MNZ," he said, explaining that the letter was given after the case that charged Nazaruddin with permanent legal force.

Regarding the granting of the right to leave before being released by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ali said, the KPK actually refused several times to provide recommendations as a requirement for social work assimilation and parole proposed by the Directorate General of Social Affairs of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Nazaruddin, and his lawyers.

This submission, he continued, was made in February 2018, October 2018 and October 2019.

"Therefore, the Corruption Eradication Commission hopes that the Directorate General of Corrections will be more selective in providing guidance to corrupt convicts given the devastating impact of corruption that has damaged the fabric of society," he said.

It is known, the Head of the Public Relations and Protocol Section of the Directorate General of PAS of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Rika Aprianti said, Nazarudin had been appointed as a cooperating actor or justice collaborator.

"Prisoners on behalf of Muhammad Nazaruddin have been designated as cooperating perpetrators (JC) by the Corruption Eradication Commission based on Letter Number R-2250/55/06/2014 dated June 9, 2014 regarding a certificate on behalf of Muhammad Nazaruddin, and Letter Number R.2576 / 55 / 06/2017 dated 21 June 2017, regarding the request for information, we have collaborated with law enforcement on behalf of Mohammad Nazaruddin, "said Rika.

Previously, Nazaruddin had left the Class I Sukamiskin Prison on Sunday, June 14. This leave is given until the completion of the detention period on August 13.

"On Sunday, June 14, 2020, at 07.45 WIB a WBP (Correctional Assisted Citizen) was issued on behalf of M. Nazaruddin to carry out Leaving Towards Free," said Head of West Java Kemkumham Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Abdul Aris in his statement, Tuesday, June 16.

The basis for removing Nazaruddin from prison is because he has obtained the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number: PAS-738.PK.01.04.06 Year 2020 dated June 10, 2020 concerning Leaving Towards Free.

Flashback to the Nazaruddin case

Nazaruddin was convicted in two corruption cases. First, he was involved in the case for the construction of the Athlete's House in 2011. After being declared a suspect, he was a fugitive and ran abroad.

His escape ended in Cartagena, Colombia. Furthermore, by the Jakarta Corruption Court, he was later sentenced to four years and 10 months in prison and a fine of Rp200 million.

In this case, Nazar was proven proven guilty of accepting a bribe of IDR 4.6 billion from the Marketing Manager of PT Duta Graha Indah Mohammad El Idris through Permai Group employees, Yulianis and Oktarina Fury. He is considered to have played a part in winning a project of Rp.191 billion in the Ministry of Youth and Sports for PT Duta Graha Indah.

Nazar appealed. However, the Supreme Court actually increased Nazaruddin's sentence to 7 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 300 million.

Meanwhile, in another case, this Democrat Party politician was found guilty of receiving gratuities from PT Duta Graha Indah and Nindya Karya for education and health projects. The amount of gratuity he received reached Rp. 40.37 billion.

At that time, Nazar served as a member of Commission I DPR RI, controller of the Anugerah Group which previously had the name Permai Group, and General Treasurer of the Democratic Party.

He was also found guilty of laundering money through the purchase of shares. As a result of his actions, Nazaruddin was later sentenced to six years in prison. So that the total prison sentence that must be passed is 13 years.