Pangdam Jaya Monitors Vaccination For Participants With Comorbidities

TANGERANG - Regional Military Commander Maj. Gen. Mulyo Aji, MA, directly observed the implementation of mass vaccination specifically for comorbid patients and the general public at the Ballroom of The Spring Club Summarecon Serpong, Kab. Tangerang, Banten. This activity is in order to help the government's program towards a COVID-19-free Indonesia.

Pangdam Jaya said there were 700 cancer patients from the Greater Jakarta area carrying out the vaccine at the Ballroom Spring Club Sumareccon Serpong.

"This is the largest number of vaccinations attended by cancer patients in Jabodetabek," Pangdam Jaya told reporters, Sunday, August 8.

He also appreciated the vaccine participants for taking the time to attend.

"I really appreciate the comorbids who have been brave and willing to spend their time coming from afar to participate in implementing vaccines, in order to accelerate the vaccination program for the body's immunity to protect themselves from COVID-19," said Pangdam Jaya.

This activity was attended by the Chairperson of the Indonesian Breast Cancer Foundation (YKPI) Ms. Linda Agum Gumelar, Tangerang Regent Mr. Ahmad Zaki Iskandar, FKPPI and Pemuda Pancasila.

Doctor Walta Gautama in front of the media said that the death rate for someone affected by COVID-19 reached 4 to 5 percent.

"For people with COVID-19 who have cancer, the mortality rate is around 23 percent. Data from abroad reaches 25 percent," said Doctor Walta.