These Are The 5 Main Pillars For Maintaining Mental Health

JAKARTA - Anxiety, aggressiveness, mood swings to unexplained nausea are some of the distresses, and if left untreated can have a worse impact on mental health.

Distress is an emotional and physiological response to events that are considered stressful, threatening, and have a negative impact on individuals characterized by symptoms of depression and anxiety.

This mental health problem also occurs a lot during the pandemic, especially for a survivor or who is undergoing isolation due to COVID-19.

To prevent the problem from getting worse, Anger Management psychotherapist Dandi Birdy shares how to manage emotions so they don't produce negative stress that can worsen a person's mental and physical health.

"In order to be mentally healthy, there are main pillars that must be known, namely emotional, intellectual, social, physical, and spiritual," said Dandi in the "Stress Management" webinar on Saturday, as reported by Antara.

Dandi said everyone has the drive to solve problems, but the starting point and the way people respond are different. This depends on the psychohistory, level of mental health and level of faith.

On the first or emotional pillar, one must channel the emotions that are felt instead of diverting them to other things. Most people when they are emotional to vent by doing things they like to distract, even though it will only accumulate emotions and can explode at any time.

"Emotions must be channeled, not transferred. Emotions are energy, so what is channeled is physical energy, not psychic. It will be maximized if it is psychological as well," said Dandi.

"The concept is to be aware of what you are facing, angry, sad, upset. Then accept when you are angry, sad and allow that feeling with therapy, not in just any place like angry outbursts. After that, let it flow out, let it go," he added.

The second pillar to maintain mental health is to take care of the physical with adequate rest, exercise and eating healthy foods. Because, physically ill will affect a person's psyche and vice versa.

The third is intellectual. Think positive and filter information from various sources to support in solving problems.

"From the social pillar, it is social support from the closest people, friends, spouses and parents. Supporting each other together, strengthening each other has a big impact," said Dandi.

The last is the spiritual pillar, where one must draw closer to God, worship and pray.

Dandi said, these five pillars must be maintained simultaneously. If the five walk in balance, mental health will be well maintained.

"Learning anger management is lifelong. If you raise it too low, you lower it too high. This is a lifelong skill. Enjoy the process, appreciate every progress," said Dandi.