All Developments In The Persecution Case Of Two Banser

JAKARTA - Circulating video recordings on Twitter social media showing acts of persecution by several unknown people. Two members of the Nahdlatul Ulama Ansor Multipurpose Barisan (Banser) were victims.

Based on the narration on the video recording, the incident is said to have occurred on Tuesday, December 10, in the Pondok Pinang area, South Jakarta. However, the initial cause of the persecution is not yet known.

From the video recording, only the voice of the perpetrator could be heard asking the two Banser members to follow his orders, namely by saying takbir. However, both of them were reluctant to follow him and did not seem to respond to the perpetrators.

Without replying to the abusers and insults from the perpetrators, the two Banser members left the location on their motorbikes.

Responding to the persecution incident, Chairman of the Central Executive GP Ansor Saiful Rahmad Dasuki said that the two members of Banser, Eko and Wildan, had followed the prevailing regulations by not responding to the provocative action.

So, the case did not become a big problem and involved other parties. It's just that, that doesn't mean the case is considered wind. This is because this action has been reported to the police to be thoroughly investigated in accordance with the applicable law.

"It does not mean that we ignore this problem, but we leave this matter to the police to take appropriate actions," said Saiful.

Even so, he said, all Banser members throughout Indonesia have been urged to remain calm and not be provoked by these problems. The goal is to avoid other problems that arise.

"Instructed all Banser ranks throughout Indonesia to remain calm, remain consolidated, introspective because of symptoms that want to provoke Banser," said Saiful.

Separately, the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Bastoni Purnawa confirmed the incident. From the results of the examination of the victims, it was said that the incident started when they rode motorbikes together.

During the trip, precisely on Jalan Raya Ciputat, South Jakarta, both of them felt that they were being followed. Then, suddenly the speed of the second motorcycle was forcibly stopped at the scene. At that time, the act of persecution took place.

"Then the Banser members were also caught, (then at Persecution) with rather harsh words so that the victim felt threatened and intimidated," said Bastoni.

After the two Banser members were persecuted, they also reported the incident to the Chairman of the South Jakarta area. Which was then immediately reported to the police.

From the development of the report, it was said that the police had pocketed the identity of the perpetrator. So, at this time his figure was still being hunted for his existence. However, it was confirmed from a temporary investigation that the perpetrator was not from one of the community organizations (Ormas) as heard in the viral video recording.

"The perpetrator for a while, the initials H, is now the search process. I think it is a person from one group, but an individual," said Bastoni.

In addition, in the effort to uncover the case, four eye witnesses were examined. In fact, the plan is that the linguist witness and ITE will also be involved. This is because the perpetrator will be charged with multiple articles. Starting from the article on unpleasant acts to the ITE law that is ready to ensnare him.

"The perpetrator will be subject to humiliation of articles 310, 311, 335 of the Criminal Code and the ITE law," said Bastoni.