This Is How To Support Children To Grow Up Happily In The Midst Of A Pandemic, According To Experts

JAKARTA - There are several ways that can be done to support children to grow happily even in the current COVID-19 pandemic atmosphere. Child, adolescent and family psychologist psychologist Irma Gustiana Andriani S.Psi, M.Psi.,Psi. give important tips.

To achieve this, according to psychologist Irma Gustiana, parents need to provide ongoing support for their children.

"Support that can be provided is through stimulation, supervision, assistance, supervision and review of the child's growing process," Irma said as quoted by Antara, Saturday, August 7.

If there are obstacles, said Irma, parents should immediately intervene, for example by consulting a psychologist or pediatrician, which can now be done through telemedicine or tele-counseling.

Various stimuli can also be provided to hone skills, for example through discussions, reading story books, teaching life skills, health literacy, and digital literacy.

To support children's development, especially in uncertain times such as the COVID-19 pandemic, parents need to consider their children's talents and interests, the optimal learning environment, and the facilities that can be provided.

Therefore, a mature financial plan is needed. Annisa Steviani, a financial planner, stated that with this uncertain condition, her mental condition became less good so it was very likely to interfere with her financial condition.

However, when income decreases, there is no other way but to find new income. The most important thing is to have sufficient emergency funds as a safety net and protection.

"Make sure we have protection first. Because there are two risks to life as humans, humans will definitely get sick and humans will definitely die. Protection in the form of health insurance and life insurance is mandatory when we have children," said Annisa.

As breadwinners for the family, it is very important for parents to be protected from various risks, especially during the pandemic. In other words, one way to protect children's future is to protect their parents first. For this reason, appropriate protection needs to be planned, one of which is through insurance.

“During the pandemic, we are increasingly reminded of the importance of keeping families safe. To avoid financial risks, parents should have protection, so that if something untoward happens, the future of the child is not affected.

To support this, Allianz Indonesia is here to provide protection through various life insurance and health insurance products to meet the protection needs of Indonesian families,” explained Karin Zulkarnaen, Chief Marketing Officer, Allianz Life Indonesia.

The role of parents is very significant in raising children who will become the nation's next generation. According to a 2019 survey by HP (The Hewlett-Packard Company) in the New Asian Learning Experience (NALE) study, 73 percent of parents consider their child's happiness when growing up to be the most important thing.