Regarding BPK Findings, DKI Health Office Explains Reasons For Buying Rapid Test Equipment And Expensive Masks

JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Health Office, Widyastuti, explained the reason for his party to purchase rapid test kits and masks at quite expensive prices. This is the finding of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

Widyastuti explained, the DKI Provincial Government entered into a contract with a company procuring N95 Respirator masks in 2020 at a high price, because at that time masks were difficult to find because many needed them.

"In the beginning, masks were difficult, so there were many types available. Of course we comply with the specifications requested with input from the user," said Widyastuti when met at her office, Central Jakarta, Friday, August 6.

The purchase of rapid test kits at high prices, he continued, was carried out because DKI needed the availability of COVID-19 test kits in a fast time. Meanwhile, the price of rapid tests in the market is still fluctuating.

"That was in accordance with the conditions at that time. We didn't understand last year's price fluctuations. At the beginning of last year, there was no regular delivery. We ensure that we can carry out activities but there is no certainty (of sending rapid test kits). So, we need to guarantee that DKI residents can be examined," explained Widyastuti.

It is known, BPK found that there was a waste of the DKI Provincial Government's budget for the purchase of COVID-19 rapid tests for handling the pandemic worth Rp. 1.19 billion. This budget is taken from the 2020 DKI Regional Budget Unexpected Expenditure Post (BTT).

According to the BPK report, the DKI Provincial Government has purchased COVID-19 rapid tests from two companies. The purchase of the test kit has the same brand at the same time.

However, it turns out that the price for the rapid test between the two providers purchased by the DKI Provincial Government is different. DKI bought 50 thousand pieces of masks to PT NPN at a price per unit of goods worth Rp197,500. Meanwhile, DKI bought 40 thousand pieces to PT TKM at a price per unit of goods worth Rp227,272.

Then, BPK also found a waste of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's budget for the purchase of N95 Respirator masks of up to Rp. 5.8 billion from the 2020 DKI APBD BTT post.

In the BPK report, the DKI Provincial Government purchased masks of the same type to two different companies, at different prices.

To PT IDS, the DKI DKI Health Office bought 39 thousand pieces of masks from PT IDS at a unit price of Rp. 70 thousand for the first purchase. Then, buy another 30 thousand pieces with a unit price of Rp. 60 thousand on the second purchase. Then, the third purchase of 20 thousand pieces with a unit price of Rp. 60 thousand.

In addition, the DKI Provincial Government has also purchased N95 Respirator masks of the same type as many as 195,000 pieces of masks at a price per item of Rp 90 thousand.